January 17, 2019 Principals’ Meeting Rank in NEISD January 17, 2019 Principals’ Meeting Donna – welcome
Continuous improvement requires having effective systems and involves thoughtful review and an ongoing effort to improve. North East has always prided ourselves on ensuring our tradition of excellence for all students. For any organization to perform at a high level an organization must have effective systems in place. We have that in spades! To ensure greatness a system must have the desire to continuously improve and be thoughtful about the process. In an Era of school choice in San Antonio, outside forces are pushing us to use our review process on all of our practices and policies. Today is about reviewing our policies.
What Does NEISD Value We challenge and encourage each student to achieve and demonstrate academic excellence, technical skills and responsible citizenship. 360 Child Every Child Every Day Challenging Opportunities College and Workforce Readiness Transparency Communication Before we begin our review, I want to ground ourselves in our NEISD belief system. Our WHY as Simon Sinek would say. I believe deeply understanding our WHY will bring clarity to our work, it will serve as a filter when we make decisions and most importantly will guide us to act with purpose and intentionality. The NEISD mission statement is Dr. Gottardy’s words are:
Purpose of Today’s Meeting Review Committee Survey Results Decision points Identify our next steps
Question 1 No adjustments to who receives rank. – decision point
Question 2
Question 2 Possible Next Steps Performance and Planning department will complete a statistical analysis on the multiplier. The research will include adjusting the multiplier in relationship to the accountability system, course selection and equity. Chart tablet question 1.
Question 3 No adjustment made to summa. –decision point
Question 4
Question 4A If yes,…
Question 4B
Question 4C
Next Steps for Question 4 If we apply all the question 4 survey results, there are 6 courses that are available to a 9th and 10th grader AP Human Geography, AP World History, AP European History, AP Economics, AP Government, AP World Languages, AP Computer Science A, AP Computer Science Principals,
Action Steps for Question 4 Review the results of the survey with your Academic Leadership team. At our next rank meeting, be prepared to discuss your campus thoughts on “Should 9th and 10th graders be allowed to take more than 2 AP courses?”
Closure Dr. Newman