Kenneth J. Ottenbacher, PhD, Michael E


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Presentation transcript:

The WeeFIM instrument: Its utility in detecting change in children with developmental disabilities  Kenneth J. Ottenbacher, PhD, Michael E. Msall, MD, Nancy Lyon, RN, PNP, Linda C. Duffy, PhD, Jenny Ziviani, PhD, Carl V. Granger, MD, Susan Braun, MLS, OTR, Roger C. Feidler, PhD  Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation  Volume 81, Issue 10, Pages 1317-1326 (October 2000) DOI: 10.1053/apmr.2000.9387 Copyright © 2000 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Terms and Conditions

Fig. 1 Sample polar graph showing changes in WeeFIM ratings over time for each individual item. All items scored on a 1- to 7-point scale. Inner ring indicates score of 1; outer ring indicates score of 7. The expanding rings indicate ratings of the WeeFIM. The penultimate outer ring represents a score of 6. UE, upper extremity; LE, lower extremity. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2000 81, 1317-1326DOI: (10.1053/apmr.2000.9387) Copyright © 2000 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Terms and Conditions

Fig. 2 Comparison of total WeeFIM rating for 3 administrations across the 3 levels of disability: mild, moderate, and severe. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2000 81, 1317-1326DOI: (10.1053/apmr.2000.9387) Copyright © 2000 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Terms and Conditions

Fig. 3 Comparison of total WeeFIM rating for boys and girls across the 3 test administrations. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2000 81, 1317-1326DOI: (10.1053/apmr.2000.9387) Copyright © 2000 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Terms and Conditions

Fig. 4 Comparison of total WeeFIM ratings across 3 test administrations for motor, cognitive, and total WeeFIM ratings. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2000 81, 1317-1326DOI: (10.1053/apmr.2000.9387) Copyright © 2000 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Terms and Conditions

Fig. 5 Comparison of WeeFIM ratings across 6 WeeFIM areas over a 1-year period. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2000 81, 1317-1326DOI: (10.1053/apmr.2000.9387) Copyright © 2000 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Terms and Conditions

Fig. 6 Plot of WeeFIM initial ratings against follow-up ratings. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2000 81, 1317-1326DOI: (10.1053/apmr.2000.9387) Copyright © 2000 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Terms and Conditions