Skill Result Attitude Private Victory to Public Victory 84
Win-Lose Conditioning Video Win-Lose Conditioning 4 87 Habit Think Win-Win
Habit 4 Think Win-Win 87
Habit 4: Think Win-Win 4 88 Habit Think Win-Win
Habit 4—Principle Paradigm Effective, long-term relationships require mutual respect and mutual benefit. Result Behavior 4 89 Habit Think Win-Win
Effective: There is plenty out there for everyone, and more to spare. Habit 4—Paradigms Ineffective: There is only so much, and the more you get, the less there is for me. Effective: There is plenty out there for everyone, and more to spare. 4 89 Habit Think Win-Win
Win-Win Win-Lose Lose-Win Lose-Lose Win Win-Win or No Deal The Six Paradigms of Human Interaction Win-Win Win-Lose Lose-Win Lose-Lose Win Win-Win or No Deal 4 90–91 Habit Think Win-Win
Video Win-Win Thinking 4 92 Habit Think Win-Win
“We live by the principle that ‘my success is your success.’” xQ Tells You… “We live by the principle that ‘my success is your success.’” 33% 4 93 Habit Think Win-Win
In situations of conflict In long-term relationships When to Think Win-Win In situations of conflict In long-term relationships In interdependent situations 4 93 Habit Think Win-Win
The Courage-and-Consideration Grid Win-Lose Win-Win Lose-Lose Lose-Win 4 94 Habit Think Win-Win
Seek Mutual Benefit 4 95 Liz & Kate Liz wants responsibility; Kate wants infection rate reduced. Liz: New title and promotion 10 percent pay increase Important project Kate: Infection down 50 percent Within 6 months Within guidelines 4 95 Habit Think Win-Win
Desired Results Guidelines Resources Accountability Consequences Win-Win Agreements Desired Results Guidelines Resources Accountability Consequences 4 96 Habit Think Win-Win
Video Win-Win Agreements 4 96 Habit Think Win-Win
Win-Win Systems For win-win to work inside a team or an organization, the systems need to support it: training, planning, communication, budgeting, information, compensation. 4 99 Habit Think Win-Win
Teach to Learn 4 100–101 Habit Think Win-Win