fK+K- yield analysis update


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Presentation transcript:

fK+K- yield analysis update Dipali Pal Light/Heavy PWG 07/18/2005 -- mT spectra from different subsystems (after assigning proper fiducial cuts at MC) -- systematic studies between different subsystems. -- mT spectra at different centrality bins -- centrality dependence -- summary

Correction factors

Minimum-bias mT spectra (I)

Min bias mT spectra (II) Fitted 4 subsystem combinations within the same mT range.

Total spectrum: Fitting range mT = 1.6 – 2.2 GeV/c2

mT spectrum from the full dataset

Systematic checks on different subsystems

Comparison among different combinations -- field (0-90%)

Systematic checks of f yields in different subsystems Yield (mT) = Nphi(rec) x CF/(Nevt x erun) Take average f yields from all subsystems. Divide invidividual yields by this average (Y-axis of the above plots)

mT spectrum (0-10%) Used average embedding efficiency 0.65 (from Run-2)

mT spectrum (10-20%) Used average embedding efficiency 0.79 (from Run-2)

mT spectrum (20-30%) Used average embedding efficiency 0.86 (from Run-2)

mT spectrum (30-40%) Used average embedding efficiency 0.92 (from Run-2)

mT spectrum (40-50%) Used average embedding efficiency 0.94 (from Run-2)

mT spectrum (50-60%) Used average embedding efficiency 0.96 (from Run-2)

mT spectrum (60-90%) Used average embedding efficiency 0.98 (from Run-2)

dN/dy and T vs Centrality

Rcp Rcp of f is consistent with pi-zero’s. Run4 statistics allows us to measure Rcp using more peripheral bin than Run2. (Run2 peripheral: 40-92% Run4 peripheral: 60-92%)

Summary mT spectra at 7 centrality bins have been extracted. Centrality dependence has been studied.

Work in progress Apply proper embedding corrections Systematic errors

Backup slides

Dataset and cuts 3 Stripes of Minimum bias CNTs from the rcf disks |bbcz| < 30 cm ++ field: 84M, -- field 86 M events Used TOF and PbSc (East & West) 3s matching at TOF (tracks passing through TOF) 3s matching at PbSc + PC3 (tracks through PbSc) 2s kaon PID in TOF and PbSc. Intruder and ghost rejection cuts. Fiducial cuts to match dead areas in data and MC.

Number of f’s from different subsystems Nevt = 170927276 Nf (% of the total) TOF - TOF 3438 (9%) TOF-EAST 9777 (27%) EAST-EAST 3227 (9%) WEST-WEST 20395 (55%) Total 36827 (100%)

Systematic checks between TOF-TOF and West-West

Construction of mT spectra BR = 0.491 emass = 1.06  conversion from RBW  BW distributions eRun-by-run= 0.9027 (TOF-TOF) = 0.8699 (TOF-East) = 0.9766 (EAST-EAST) = 0.9225 (WEST-WEST) eemb = 0.80 (from Run-2 average MB) Using the same method is PPG016 Run # 116537 is taken as reference


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