Human Organ Systems
Skin - Integumentary Sensory organ Regulate water loss Regulate temperature Protect from UV light (melanin).
Cardiovascular Moves oxygenated blood to the body and non-oxygenated blood to the heart. Provides nutrients to the body’s tissues.
Digestive To help the body extract nutrients from food. Cilia found in the small and large intestines to increase surface area (absorption).
Endocrine Releases hormones into the blood stream to maintain homeostasis. Controls growth, reproductive maturity, reactions to experiences.
Excretory Removal of waste products from the body. Kidneys: The body’s janitor.
Immune Protection from disease (bacteria or virus) Specific defenses – white blood cells. Non-specific defenses – skin, mucus, hair, cilia, acids, tears.
Muscular Help with movement. Generate heat for the body. Help with pumping blood (cardiac) and with digestion (smooth).
Nervous Central nervous system – brain/spinal cord Peripheral nervous system – all other neurons. Allows for input of external/internal stimuli.
Respiratory Provides oxygen to lungs. Cleans the air Controlled by diaphragm.
Skeletal Protect organs, brain. Allow for muscles to pull/push – movement. Produce Red blood cells. Stores fat and minerals (calcium).
Negative Feedback System Thermostat in your house is an example. The amount of hormone (or a product) determines how much longer than hormone will be released into the system.