City of Bayswater Libraries eSmart Libraries Project
What is eSmart Libraries? eSmart mission – create a community of smart, safe and responsible users of digital technology. eSmart Libraries a partnership between Telstra Foundation and Alannah & Madeline Foundation. Libraries play vital role in providing community with access to information and technology. Libraries are able to help build skills and behaviours for smart, safe and responsible use of technology. eSmart Libraries are environments where people feel safe, be part of actual & virtual communities, acquire some of the skills needed for digital era, and promote e-safety as cultural norm. At end of the process City of Bayswater Libraries will achieve accreditation as an eSmart Library Service.
eSmart Libraries Project for COB Libraries Project has started, and is scheduled to be completed by 30 June 2018. There is an eSmart working group. Members are: Karina Oliver (project co-ordinator) Larissa Haug Maria Pignatiello To achieve eSmart Libraries accreditation there are five outcomes that the library service needs to meet.
Vision, Strategy and Leadership Digital capacity and needs of the library community. Vision and principles of the organisation. Looking at library policies in regards to cybersafety, e.g. Library Business Plan.
Library Agreements and Procedures Investigate behaviour charter/code of conduct for library users. Review membership and internet use terms and conditions for ease of understanding and reinforcement of smart, safe and responsible use of technology. Develop procedures on how to respond to incidents and complaints around patron’s use of technology.
Staff Knowledge and Capabilities Survey staff’s knowledge and skills around smart, safe and responsible use of technology. Implement staff training program on the use of digital technology and cybersafety.
Guidance and Learning for Users Create formal and informal training for library users on cybersafety. Training for all age groups needs to be considered. Cybersafety activities incorporated into existing library programs, e.g. storytime, elearning etc.
Community Connections Identifying and developing partnerships with local government and other relevant groups to help deliver cybersafety message to local community. Promoting eSmart Libraries to the wider community.
Where to from here? eSmart Staff Knowledge Checklist. eSmart training modules. To find out more visit the eSmart website