Miikka Sipilä, Mervi Miettinen and Johanna Tevaniemi ECIL 2018 Adapting the new ACRL framework to IL education at Tampere University of Technology Miikka Sipilä, Mervi Miettinen and Johanna Tevaniemi ECIL 2018
Presentation outline Background Information literacy teaching at Tampere University of Technology Modifying the ACRL frames Implementing IL at TUT Results of IL teaching Student self-assessment Teacher assessment of students
Teaching IL in Finnish university libraries Emphasizing the library user’s perspective. Adopting the ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries) standards. National IL programme: integration of IL into university studies a collaborative network and various interlibrary projects.
Teaching IL at Tampere University of Technology Before: Based on ACRL standards. Not compulsory for students. Designed independently by the library. Now: New ACRL frames adopted into teaching in 2016. All students attend IL teaching at regular intervals. Designed together with the faculty teaching staff.
Modified IL frames at TUT Library Information sharing and scientific interaction Information retrieval as a part of the research process Producing and evaluating information Copyright and ethical use of information
IL teaching outlines at TUT Teaching contents 1st year students -Library services and materials in brief - Basics of information retrieval - Ethical use of information, citing and referencing -Open science -Information literacy and information retrieval skills as study skills BSc students -Information retrieval as a process, information retrieval plan -Subject-specific databases -Information retrieval techniques and strategies -Evaluating information critically -Uses of open data -Good scientific practice (reference management, avoiding plagiarism) MSc students -Systematic information retrieval (incl. search diary, literature review) -Subject-specific databases (advanced) -Critically evaluating sources, Scholarship as conversation -Using information ethically as a part of a thesis -Benefits of open publishing
Implementing IL at TUT– the role of the Library In 2016, IL teaching became mandatory to all TUT students to ensure equal access to high-quality teaching. IL integrated into existing courses in collaboration with faculties. The Library is still responsible for planning and executing all IL contents. All teaching at Library premises.
Partnership through collaboration – involving the faculty Active and equal collaboration between the library and faculties’ teaching staff was key to the successful implementation of IL teaching. Differences between disciplines taken into account.
Practical planning – Using the frames TUT model easy on resources: identical structures enable resource management and are easy to apply. IL frames an advantage: the benefits of cumulative learning through deepening the frames according to level of study. The student’s role as an active learner!
IL frames at the front: student self-assessment BSc students answered a feedback form in 2016 (n=130) and 2017 (n=32). Students evaluated their information retrieval skills (scale 1-5, 1=very poor, 5=very good) 2016 1 2 3 4 5 - All Average Before attending IL-teaching 27 69 28 130 3,0 After attending IL-teaching 12 92 25 4,1 2017 1 2 3 4 5 - All Average Before attending IL-teaching 11 9 32 2,88 After attending IL-teaching 26
Teacher assessment of students’ IL skills (outtake) Information retrieval as a part of the research process Producing and evaluating information Information sharing and scientific interaction Copyright and ethical use of information
Conclusion Collaboration with faculties is the key to success. Modified IL frames enable cumulative learning. Students self-assessment shows positive development. NOTE: Teacher assessement also positive (though more cautious). Long-term results are still coming (2018 feedback not yet collected).
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Contact info Miikka Sipilä (University of Tampere) miikka.sipila@uta.fi Mervi Miettinen (Tampere University of Technology) mervi.miettinen@tut.fi Johanna Tevaniemi (Tampere University of Technology) johanna.tevaniemi@tut.fi