a. What research are you working on?


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Presentation transcript:

a. What research are you working on? COSMIC Retreat Mini Science Briefing, Ted Iwabuchi a. What research are you working on? TTFRI (Taiwan Typhoon and Flood Research Institute) Project (NSPO-UCAR AIT-TECRO Agreement) Enhance WRFVAR of the TTFRI experimental forecast system Improve performance of the GPSRO data assimilation for TTFRI regional (tropics) model applications Provide technical assistance for the evaluation of the impacts of GPSRO data on the forecast of extreme weather systems Provide training and technical consultation for the assimilation of GPSRO data at the TTFRI b. Why is it important (to COSMIC)? Historical impact studies on typhoon forecast have not shown consistent impacts of COSMIC RO data on typhoon forecast Robust conclusion of importance of COSMIC RO data for typhoon forecast based on multiple cases (initial conditions) with statistics helps to push next advanced RO mission (multiple GNSS + RNSS)

c. What is your conclusion so far? COSMIC Retreat Mini Science Briefing, Ted Iwabuchi c. What is your conclusion so far? Improved RO codes (fixing mishandling of geometric height, implementation of linear-log interpolation scheme in vertical grid, New quality control based on NCEP regional GSI) has shown positive impact on multiple typhoon forecasts (5 cases in 2008 and Morakot) Ideal sphere Earth In meteorology Reflection of nature of refractivity helps to improve atmospheric profile in model initialization and forecast (dynamics) Center of mass Realistic Earth (geodesy) d. What is your next step? Pursue more improvement of GPS RO code (vertical thinning scheme, ray smearing ) and interpret its importance Compare impact of operator (local and non-local) based on multiple typhoon case studies Verify precipitation forecast with experiments based on high resolution model (~ 5km)