Location MHJTSS Main Line: 416-632-8701 Fax Number: 416-632-8718 North York General Hospital (Branson site) 555 Finch Avenue West Toronto, Ontario M2R 1N5 MHJTSS Main Line: 416-632-8701 *to be directed to an MHJTSS clinician you must dial 416-633-9420 then press 1 and then enter extension Fax Number: 416-632-8718 Directions: Enter the East Entrance, turn right and pass by the lobby to the Blue Elevators. Take one of the blue elevators to the second floor. Once you are off the elevator turn right and go through the double doors (sign above saying “Mental Health & Justice”. Go directly to the reception desk for check in. Location
About Us MHJTSS is a shorter-term outpatient mental health program located at NYGH Branson site. It was established in approximately 2001. We specialize in providing clinical (social worker, occupational therapist, psychiatrists) support for individuals who have been charged and/or convicted of a criminal offence, and who also need mental health/psychiatric assessments, support, and treatment provided safely out of custody.
Program Objectives Help improve the mental health of our service users and increase their ability to live more meaningful lives in the community. Lower risk of re-offending by helping to stabilize service users’ mental health. Increase responsibility and motivation of service users to work on positive lifestyle changes. Reduce frequency of hospitalization, criminal justice involvement, and incarceration.
Clinicians Tammy Tinney Social Worker Full-time Monday-Friday 8am-4pm T: 416-633-9420 ext. 1-6385 E: Rose Gan Occupational Therapist Part-Time Wednesday-Friday 8am-4pm T: 416-633-9420 ext. 1-6966 E:
Psychiatrists MHJTSS has two psychiatrists who each work three hours per week in our program. They are not long-term psychiatrists. Dr. V. Raghuraman Dr. J. Perera
Eligibility Criteria A referral form must be completely filled out by an appropriate referral source and faxed to us. Valid OHIP card Adults between the ages of 18-65 years old Mental health concern from service user, courts, probation/parole, family member, etc. (no mental health diagnosis is required). Current involvement in the criminal justice system (i.e. in the courts, on probation or parole) The service user must be willing to attend and engage in treatment because this is a voluntary program. The service user must be stable enough to engage in treatment.*
Exclusion Criteria Service users who have a developmental delay (dual diagnosis) Service users who are unwilling or incapable of engaging in counselling and treatment No OHIP /Expired OHIP card Sexually-based offences (i.e. sexual assault, sexual interference, child pornography)* Firearm offences * Continuous no shows and/or cancellation of appointments Psychiatry appointments will not be provided for service users who already have a psychiatrist in the community.
Making a referral Contact us directly for a referral form and we can fax or email it to you. We do not accept self-referrals. Referrals can be made by the following: The courts (i.e. COTA, other mental health agencies, bail program, duty counsel, defence counsel, crown attorneys) Probation and parole officers Family physicians Referrals from other departments within NYGH Referrals from other community organizations Correctional facilities*
Services Provided Biopsychosocial assessments by social worker/occupational therapist Individual counselling (i.e. CBT, aspects of DBT, motivational interviewing) Crisis Intervention/Suicide Intervention (*for existing clients*) Anger Management and Assertiveness Skills Building Group Psychiatric assessment, follow-up, and medication Access to family physician while involved in criminal justice system If we cannot provide counselling for a specific area we will help the client find somewhere where they can get help (i.e. counselling for victims of sexual assault, bereavement).* Provide letters and reports to the courts as required* Community education and consultation to mental health professionals, support workers, universities. Field Placement supervision for university students.
Anger Management & Assertiveness Skills Building Group Free Runs in 8 week cycles Wednesdays from 1:30pm to 3pm Facilitated by social worker/occupational therapist Each service user is assessed by a social worker/occupational therapist to determine appropriateness for group format at intake appointment. If a service user misses more than two sessions they will not be permitted to continue group and will have to wait for the next group cycle to begin. Individual anger management sessions will be provided on a case-by-case basis only* Our service users are mostly male and therefore female service users requiring anger management are given the option of participating in group or engaging in individual sessions.
Anger Management & Assertiveness Skills Building Group Anger styles Differentiating between anger and other emotions Exploring early anger messages from childhood Assertiveness skills Anger triggers Conflict management Negative thoughts Thought distortions and cognitive restructuring Physical symptoms Mindfulness techniques Behavioural responses Different anger/aggression cycles
Referral Source *data calculated from 172 referrals received January 2018 to August 2018
Primary diagnosis at time of referral *data calculated from 172 referrals received January 2018 to August 2018
Clinician No Shows/Cancellations (Less than 24 hrs) *data calculated from 172 referrals received January 2018 to August 2018
Thank you T: 416-633-9420 ext. 1-6385 F: 416-632-8718 For more information please contact Tammy Tinney T: 416-633-9420 ext. 1-6385 F: 416-632-8718 E: