Carbon Foot Print Personal Ecological Impact / Carbon Footprint…….. The Two’s Elizabeth Corro#0257498 & Ruby Sanchez #0264406 May 12, 2011
Table of Contents Introduction 3. All About Us 4 . Personal uses of natural resources 5 . Our impact-CO2 Calculator 6-8. Energy use-CO2, transportation, and electricity 9. Electricity Consumption 10-12. Comparison of CO2 emissions 13. Proposal for change-everyone 14. Proposal for individual change 15.Conclusion 16. References
All About Us Age Group: Twenties Responsibilities: School and work. Occupations: Ruby- Receptionist at a hotel in Calistoga. Elizabeth- Cashier at a winery in Napa. Activities that we do that use energy: Driving, eating, computer, television, radio, heating/cooling systems
Electrical Usage Annually: 3637.2 kwh 1. Personal Uses of Natural Resources – Big Picture that characterizes your individual situation Household We live in a single family residence in Napa, with a total of 7 occupants. Electrical Usage Annually: 3637.2 kwh Natural Gas Annually: 708 Therms Transportation Elizabeth: Own’s her own car, and is sole operator. Annual miles- 10,000 Average MPG- 20 Ruby: Own’s her own car, and is the sole operator. Annual miles- 15,000 Average MPG- 30
Our Impact using Carbon Calculators Used Ely Home Ruby Avg Trans Ruby Trans Conservation International 6.0 7.2 6.6 3.2 4.0 3.6 The Nature Conservancy 4.1 7.0 11.00 9.0 Carbon Fund 1.7 2.5 2.1 4.9 8.9 Total Avg: 4.26 7.16 Final Total:11.42 tons
Energy Use, Carbon Footprint,Transportation , Electricity……… The natural resource that are being impacted by us are: natural gas, electricity, gasoline, and water. Combined together the natural resource we use the most are: Electricity and gasoline. Electricity: 41% Transportation: 34% Burning carbon containing fossil fuels coal, oil, and natural gas account for most of the human contribution to total carbon dioxide.
Ruby’s Vehicle Footprint Comparison
Elizabeth’s Vehicle Footprint Comparison
“Electricity consumption will increase by 51% from 2002 to 2025.”
Comparison of CO2 Emission “ The annual mean concentration of CO2 has increased steadily since 1958, when measurements began at the Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii.” This location was selected because it is far from urban areas where factories, power plants, motor vehicles that emit CO2 might bias the measurement.”
World CO2 Emissions Some of the worlds smallest countries and islands emit the most per person The U.S is number 1 in terms of per capita emissions among the big countries with 19 tons emitted per person For comparison, the whole world emits 4.38 tons per person.
Comparison of Co2
Proposal for Everyone “Encourage architects and builders to use more natural resources when building houses, e.g. solar energy to heat water.” We need to decrease our overall energy use and get the majority of our energy from renewable sources. Ex: Indirect Solar Energy -Wind -Biomass -Hydropower -Geothermal -Tidal We need to increase vehicle fuel efficiency (miles per gallon) and shift to vehicles that reduce or eliminate the need for fossil fuels altogether. As individuals we may feel like we have little influence, but as a society we are able to make huge shifts in very short periods of time.
Proposal for Personal Individual Change “Unplug your cell phone charger, TV and other electronics from the wall when you are not using them, because they use energy when plugged in and on standby.” While reducing our energy won’t happen overnight, here are steps that we can take: -Reduce your electricity use -turn off computer -turn of radio -Reduce heating/cooling system It may take up to one year for one tree to fix the amount of co2 found in 3 liters of gas so: -walk short distances rather than drive -Buy a bike and use it These tips will help save money on bills as well as water: -Turn off taps properly -turn down water heater -use efficient dishwasher instead of washing dishes by hand
17. Summary Conclusions It is clear that the use of natural resources has increased over the years. However, the good news is that there are plenty of things that we can do to reduce our carbon foot print. The key word is reduce! We can greatly lessen our impact on climate change by using the planet’s resources more responsibly. It is clear that renewable energy resources combined with conservation and efficiency could provide future generations at least the same standard of living currently enjoyed, with fewer environmental impacts.
Websites and Research Cited References 1. 2. Raven, Peter H., Linda R. Berg, and David M. Hassenzahl. Environment. Hoboken, NJ: J. Wiley & Sons, C2010. Print. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8. 9. 10. 11. 12