Quantitative vs Categorical Exploring Measures of Center Days 3 - 5
Quantitative vs Categorical Data
Definitions Categorical: Data that can be placed into categories and does not have a meaningful average. Examples: Favorite color, Favorite food, Zip codes Quantitative: Data that can be used to find a meaningful average. Examples: Age of students, Number of skittles in a pack, Height, Weight
Determine the following:
The grades on the last test from two of Mr The grades on the last test from two of Mr. Jacksons’ classes are shown below. Assuming you would get one of the grades from the class, which class would you rather be in? 1st Period: 100, 88, 100, 90, 10, 25, 85, 35 2nd Period: 70, 55, 70, 77, 75, 72, 76, 80
Mr. Jackson’s Class Discussion Decide which class you would want to be in. Make a list of reason why you want to be in that class. Make a list of reason why you wouldn’t want to be in the other class. What are some possible reasons why someone would choose the other class instead of the one you chose?
In your groups, regardless of which class you chose, make a list of arguments . . . why your class is the better class to be in. why you wouldn’t want to be in the other class. Be sure to anticipate what the other group might argue and be ready to rebut what they say.
How do we find mean and median?
Then record this information on the index cards, as shown. Count the number of letters in each person’s name and write it in the table. (Do not count the space) Then record this information on the index cards, as shown. Name # of Letters Peter Thomas Shaquana Smith Stewart Hughes Huang Mi Richard Lewis Virginia Bates Ryan Mendoza Mary Wall Danielle Duncan Will Jones Ana Romero Janay Turner
Names Activity Reorder the cards from smallest to largest. What is the median? Remove two names so that the median stays the same. Which two did you remove? Put them back and remove two names so that the median increases. Which two did you remove? Put them back and remove two names so that the median decreases. Which two did you remove?
Names Activity What two names could you add to the data set so that the median stays the same? What two names could you add to the data set so that the median increases? What two names could you add to the data set so that the median decreases?
Names Activity How does the median of the original data set change if you add a name with 16 letters? What about if you add a name with four letters? What if you added the name William Arthur Philip Louis Mountbatten- Windsor (a.k.a. Prince William) to the list?
Big Take Aways What did you take away from this activity? How is knowing this information useful?
Practice Go to the class website (mathfromthehart.weebly.com). On the drop down menu under Math 1, click on “Quarter 1 Links” Work on the “Mean, Median, and Mode” Links