Articles of Confederation Constitutional Convention The Three Branches Eleanor M. Savko Articles of Confederation Constitutional Convention 4/7/2019 The Three Branches Vocabulary $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500
Under the Articles, the States Could not do these 2 things Category 1: $100: A
Raise Taxes Create an Army Category 1: $100: Q
Under the Articles most of the power Was given to the Category 1: $200: A
States Category 1: $200: Q
Under the Articles many Farmers had this happen to them Category 1: $300: A
Went into debt Lost their farms Were put in jail Category 1: $300: Q
The Articles of Confederation The final event that Showed there were Serious problems with The Articles of Confederation Category 1: $400: A
Shay’s Rebellion Category 1: $400: Q
The meeting where we decided to fixed the Aritcles was called Category 1: $500: A
The Constitutional Convention Category 1: $500: Q
What were the small states afraid of? Category 2: $100: A
That the larger states would have all of the power Category 2: $100: Q
How many votes did the small states say each state should have? Category 2: $200: A
One Category 2: $200: Q
The small states favored this plan? Category 2: $300: A
Eleanor M. Savko 4/7/2019 The New Jersey Plan Category 2: $300: Q
The Large States favored this plan Category 2: $400: A
The Virginia Plan Category 2: $400: Q
How did we solve the Conflict between big and small states? Category 2: $500: A
The Great Compromise Category 2: $500: Q
Name the Three Branches Category 3: $100: A
Legislative Executive Judicial Category 3: $100: Q
What does the Legislative branch do? Who makes up this branch? Category 3: $200: A
The House of Reps and the Senate They write the laws The House of Reps and the Senate Category 3: $200: Q
Who is in the Executive branch? Category 3: $300: A
The President, VP, and Cabinet Category 3: $300: Q
What is the job of the Judicial Branch? Category 3: $400: A
To ensure that the laws agree with the constitution Category 3: $400: Q
Each Branch keeps an eye on the other Two branches. This is called….. Category 3: $500: A
Checks and Balances Category 3: $500: Q
The introduction to the Constitution Category 4: $100: A
The Preamble Category 4: $100: Q
How Slaves were counted in the Constitution Category 4: $200: A
3/5 of a person Category 4: $200: Q
The First 10 Amendments to the Constitution Category 4: $300: A
The Bill of Rights Category 4: $300: Q
A person who believes that States and Individuals should have more power than the Federal Government Category 4: $400: A
Anti_Federalist Category 4: $400: Q
Describe 3 rights from The Bill of Rights Category 4: $500: A
1) Freedom of Speech/Religion 2) Right to Bear Arms 3) No Soldiers in your home 4)No illegal searches 5) Right to not testify against Yourself 6) Right to a Speedy trial 7) Trial by Jury 8) No Cruel and unusual punishment 9) We have other rights 10) The states get all other powers Category 4: $500: Q