Chapter 13 Late Adulthood
Late Adulthood Late adulthood: 65 and older Young old: 65–74 Old: 75–90 Very old: 90 and older Fastest growing segment of population Life expectancy Life span
Aging Definitions Aging Senescence Gerontology Myths of aging
Theories of Aging Biological theories Clockwork theory Free-radical theory Wear-and-tear theory Immune system failure Autoimmune theory
Theories of Aging (continued) Psychosocial theories Disengagement theory Activity theory Continuity-developmental theory Natural remedies thought to delay aging
Physical Characteristics of Late Adulthood Height and weight Musculoskeletal system Cardiovascular system Respiratory system
Physical Characteristics of Late Adulthood (continued) Gastrointestinal system Integumentary system Sensory system Genitourinary system Endocrine system
Homeostasis Homeostasis: a balance or equilibrium between the internal and external environment Thermoregulatory changes Cardiac reserve changes Visual changes
Vital Signs Temperature Pulse Respirations Blood pressure
Developmental Milestones Motor development Sexual development Psychosocial development Erikson’s stage of ego integrity Reminiscence
Aging Adjustments Ageism Adjusting to changes in Body image Family roles Work and leisure Sexuality The inevitability of death
Cognitive Development Intelligence Learning Memory Long term Short term
Moral Development Moral beliefs Spiritual needs
Nutrition Nutritional needs Weight maintenance Eating patterns Fluid needs Malnutrition risks
Sleep and Rest Need less sleep and more rest Measures to promote sleep
Exercise and Leisure Maintain moderate physical activity Problems associated with inactivity
Safety Physical changes resulting in accidents Auditory and visual changes Gait changes Neurological changes Fear causing social isolation Abuse
Health Promotion Healthy lifestyle Exercise Diet modification Health screening and maintenance Regular immunizations Early diagnosis and treatment of health problems
Special Health Concerns Delirium Dementia Depression and suicide
Regulatory Programs Social Security Medicare Medicaid Rights of the elderly DNR Living Will
Chapter Challenge Explain the term old List five normal age-related physical changes Distinguish delirium from dementia