Nadaburg High School Initiative 2018-2019 District Presentation
Presentation Goals Why Start a High School Program Now? How will we develop a High School? How will the High School Receive Funding ?
Why a High School Types of School Districts in Arizona: Elementary (PreK-8) Union (9-12) Unified (PreK-12) Nadaburg is the only Unified School District that does not have it’s own traditional high school. A.R.S. 15-824 (2) 2. For three hundred fifty or fewer pupils, to a high school without the presentation of such a certificate, if the pupil is a resident of a common school district within this state that is not within a high school district and that does not offer instruction in the pupil's grade. The three hundred fifty or fewer pupil limitation prescribed in this paragraph does not apply to a small isolated school district as defined in section 15-901. Tuition shall be charged as prescribed in subsection E of this section for each pupil admitted pursuant to this paragraph, each pupil from a school district that provides only financing for pupils who are instructed by another school district and each pupil from a unified district that does not offer instruction in the pupil's grade. The school membership of such pupils is deemed, for the purpose of determining student count and for apportionment of state aid, to be enrollment in the school district of the pupil's residence. Why a High School
How does High School Work in Nadaburg Now? State Law allows Nadaburg to be reimbursed for the full tuition amount to Wickenburg and Dysart. This law expires 2020. A.R.S. 15-824(2) Currently Nadaburg receives state aid funding PLUS invoiced M&O Overrides, bonds, and transportation of district attending. Nadaburg forwards State payments to Dysart and Wickenburg for high school students. If this law expires and Nadaburg does NOT have a high school we project a loss of revenue that could reach $1,000,000 dollars per year. Nadaburg High School Students How does High School Work in Nadaburg Now?
Options if we do not develop our own high school and the law expires. Would require M&O override immediately 15% M&O would barely cover the difference Override would be far more costly than current bond proposal Consolidation with another school district Community must vote to join other district Other district must vote to allow consolidation Community inherits new districts tax base School District is unable to operate/function Options if we do not develop our own high school and the law expires.
Nadaburg Compared to Our Neighbors District Bond per $100 LPV M&O Override $100 LPV Total Per $100 of LPV Nadaburg .32 cents 0.00 .32 Dysart $1.21 $1.57 $2.78 Wickenburg .86 .33 $1.19 Nadaburg Compared to Our Neighbors LPV=Limited Property Value District Cost per $100,000 LPV Nadaburg $32.00 Dysart $278.00 Wickenburg $119.00
High School Development
Current Concept to Develop a High School Renovate current facilities (not a permanent placement) Provide adequate transportation needs Implement technologies and other needs Curriculum Committee-Monthly Extra-Curricular and Athletics Committee-Monthly Current Concept to Develop a High School
When the district reaches capacity (121 students) we can petition the State School Facilities Board to build a high school at a to be determined location. The proposed bond is projected to support the opening of a high school in existing facilities for 2019-2020. It is also projected to support the basic needs of a traditional high school. When will we get a permanent high school, and will that be another bond request? When we reach 121 in district High school Students Traditional High School Nova On Line Students 121 Students
Projected Timeline 2018-2019 Development with Community Input 2019-2020 Year 1 Freshman, estimate 80 Students 2020-2021 Year 2 Freshman & Sophomore=160 Petition School Facilities Board for High School 2021-2022 High School Development. Planning, land acquisition, and build. 2022-2023 In our 101st Year our high school opens Projected Timeline
Safety. High school students will be separated from the K-8 program, and transported separately. Will my child continue at their current high school? All students currently enrolled in Wickenburg or Dysart will continue to receive the services they have in place until the end of their senior year. .3+Arizona has open enrollment laws. A parent may enroll their child in any school if they provide transportation, and the other school accepts their application. Things Considered
Funding the High School
Funding 2.2 Million Dollar Bond School Facilities Board Not all of the bond will be drawn at once Bond is to update current facilities, procure needed technology, transportation purchases, and school safety improvements. Excess bond funding will be utilized as needed. School Facilities Board Provides land through the State Trust Builds standard high school facility Will not build a high school until proposed facility exceeds capacity (121 students) or 350 plus students travel 20 miles or more for high school. Increased Population Increased student population = increased funding More homes = more contributing to bond Funding
All properties within in the Nadaburg Unified School District Boundaries would be taxed for the bond, including commercial and residential, not just one area. Replaces existing bond that is expiring for a similary amount. The County Elections office sends out pamphlets with the legal description, and pro and con statements. The district has no input on when they are mailed. The district may only state factual information about the bond, and may only use bond funding as described. The district must report how the bonds are spent annually The district will only draw down the funding needed for phase 1. Balance of bond will remain in bond account until needed. The Bond F.A.Q.