GAMOS tutorial Plug-in’s Exercises


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Presentation transcript:

GAMOS tutorial Plug-in’s Exercises Pedro Arce Dubois CIEMAT Pedro Arce Introducción a GEANT4

Introduction Introducción a GEANT4 Pedro Arce This set of exercises are meant for a primer user to practice with each of the most common components used in the simulation of detectors Geometry Visualisation Primary generator Electromagnetic/hadronic physics Production cuts and user limits Scoring Sensitive detectors They represent examples on How to do simulation using GAMOS commands How to extend GAMOS adding new C++ code They are sequential Use the commands of the previous exercise (only change what indicated) Some examples use code that is compiled in the previous examples Pedro Arce Introducción a GEANT4

RT simulation Exercises Ex. 1: Basic example Ex. 2: More difficult geometry Generator Ex. 3: Physics/cuts Ex. 4: User actions Ex. 5: Scoring Ex. 6: Sensitive detectors Pedro Arce Introducción a GEANT4

Exercise 1: simple geometry Tube radius 100cm length 200cm of Water inside Box 30cm X 30cm X 40cm of Aluminun Standard electromagnetic physics Primary particle: gamma 10 MeV at (0,0,0) in random direction Pedro Arce Introducción a GEANT4

Exercise 1b: visualisation Visualize geometry and tracks OGLIX VRML2FILE DAWNFILE Pedro Arce Introducción a GEANT4

Exercise 1c: use different e.m. physics Use low energy electromagnetic Use Penelope (Make statistics on processes/particles) Pedro Arce Introducción a GEANT4

Exercise 2: more difficult geometry “Calorimeter” 1cm X 1cm X 5cm LSO crystals, placed along X axis LSO: Lu 76.4016%, Si 6.1328%, O 17.4656% Block of 4X4 crystals Place three crystal blocks at (5,-5,0), (5,0,0), (5,5,0) cm “Tracker” Box 40cm X 20cm X 20cm of CO2 (50%) Al (50%) Place at (50,0,0) cm Pedro Arce Introducción a GEANT4

Exercise 2b: change generator position and direction Position of primary gammas at (-200,0,0) mm Direction along X axis Pedro Arce Introducción a GEANT4

Exercise 2c: create C++ generator position distribution Create position distribution: Along a semicircumpherence of radius 1 cm in YZ plane, centered in (0,0,0) Change radius at the input script Make it a plug-in and select it at the input script Pedro Arce Introducción a GEANT4

Exercise 3: Cuts by region Production cut 0.1 mm in crystals, 0.01 mm in tracker Limit step to 1 mm in crystals Pedro Arce Introducción a GEANT4

Exercise 3b: Change physics list Primary particle: gamma 10 MeV Use new physics list: eScatteringPhysicsList Make it a plug-in Pedro Arce Introducción a GEANT4

Exercise 4a: User actions Kill event if primary particle does not leave all its energy in crystal If it exits the crystals (it might exit and enter back and leave some energy in the meantime…) Pedro Arce Introducción a GEANT4

Exercise 4b: User actions For each event count the energy deposited in the crystal when the process that defined the step is ionisation Make an histogram of it Pedro Arce Introducción a GEANT4

Exercise 5: Scoring Count number of secondaries with energy > 100 keV produced in the crystals per event Count energy deposited in the tracker per event Pedro Arce Introducción a GEANT4

Exercise 6: Sensitive detector / hits Make the crystals and the tracker sensitive detectors Plot hits variables with GmHitsHistosUA Save hits in a file Pedro Arce Introducción a GEANT4

Exercise 6b: Study detector effects Use as primary particle F18 at position (50,0,0)mm with 1 miliCurie Make energy resolution of crystals 20% and tracker 2% Make measuring time 1 milisecond for both SD Make dead time 1 milisecond for both SD (look for number of hits and good hits in hits.root/hits.csv) Make dead time 10 nanoseconds for both SD Make energy resolution of crystals 0% and tracker 0% (look at hits output file) Pedro Arce Introducción a GEANT4

Exercise 6c: Create SD with C++ Assign Sensitive Detector to crystals Create hits with: Track ID Deposited energy Position Print number of hits in each event Print Track ID, deposited energy and position of each hit Pedro Arce Introducción a GEANT4