Medical Terminology: Root Words, Prefixes, and Suffixes


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Presentation transcript:

Medical Terminology: Root Words, Prefixes, and Suffixes Smyrna Health Science

Bellwork Set #1 Prefix/ Suffix Meaning Example Meaning of Example Other Terms a- Without Abiotic Non-living Asexual Asym-metrical 2. ab- Away from Abduct Take away; move away Abnormal Abduction 3. Abdomin Abdomen Abdominal Pertaining to the abdomen Abdomino-pelvic 4. –ac, -al,-an, -ar, -ary Pertaining to Coronary Pertaining to the heart Median Dermal 5. Acu Needle; sharp Acupuncture Therapy using needles Acute Acupressure

Bellwork Set #2 Prefix/ Suffix Meaning Example Meaning of Example Prefix/ Suffix Meaning Example Meaning of Example Other Terms 6. ad- Toward Adduction Moving toward the midline Adductor Advance 7. Aden Gland Adenoma Tumor of a gland Adenoids 8. Adip Fat Adipose Pertaining to fat Adipectomy 9. aer- Air Aerobic Pertaining to air Aerodynamic Aerospace 10. Albin White Albino Unpigmented skin Albinism

Bellwork Set #3 Prefix/ Suffix Meaning Example Meaning of Example Other Terms 11. –algesia Pain Analgesia 12. –algia Neuralgia 13. Ambi Both Ambidextrous 14. Amni Amnion (sac covers fetus) Amniotic 15. an- Without Anaerobic Without pain perception Analgesic Nerve Pain Myalgia Using both hands Ambiguous Pertaining to the amnion Amniocentesis Without air Anoxia Anoxemica Anarchy

Bellwork Set #4 Prefix/ Suffix Meaning Example Meaning of Example Other Terms 16. andr Male Androgen 17. Angi Vessel Angiogram 18. ante- Before Antepartum 19. antero- Before; in front of Anterior 20. anti- Against Antibiotic Male sex hormone Android X-ray of blood vessels Angioplasty Angioma Before birth Antecubital Anteversion In front of Anterolateral Antibody Antidepressant Antiseptic Antiviral Works against micro- organisms

Bellwork Set #5 Prefix/ Suffix Meaning Example Meaning of Example Other Terms 21. Arter Artery Arteriole 22. Arthr Joint Arthroscopy 23. auto- Self; own Autoimmune 24. Axill Armpit Axillary 25. bi- Two Biceps Small artery Artery Arteriosclerosis Joint examination w/ a scope Arthroplasty Arthrocentesis Attack of one’s own immunity Autograph Autonomy Autobiography Pertaining to the armpit Muscle with 2 origins Biped Bicuspid

Ambidextrous: using _____ hands Coronary: ____________ the heart PRACTICE EXERCISES Bellwork Quiz over 1-25!! Ambidextrous: using _____ hands Coronary: ____________ the heart Neuralgia: Nerve _______ Angiogram: X-ray of blood _______ Arthroscope: _____ exam using a scope both Pertaining to pain vessels joint 7

** Be prepared for T/F, MC, matching, and fill-in-the-blank! REVIEW NOW!! Bellwork Quiz over 1-25 TOMORROW!! Sample Questions: An adenoma is a tumor of a ________. Androgens are _______ sex hormones. ** Be prepared for T/F, MC, matching, and fill-in-the-blank! GLAND MALE

Bellwork Set #6 Prefix/ Suffix Meaning Example Meaning of Example Other Terms 26. Bio Life Biology 27. –blast Immature;embryonic Cytoblast 28. Blephar Eyelid Blepharoplasty 29. Brachi Arm Brachial 30. brady- Slow Bradycardia Study of Life Biosphere Biofuel Immature Cell Osteoblast Surgically repair eyelid Blepharotomy Pertaining to the arm Brachiocephalic Bradyarrhthmia Bradypnea Pertaining to a slow heartbeat 9

Bellwork Set #7 Prefix/ Suffix Meaning Example Meaning of Example Other Terms 31. bronch Bronchus Bronchial 32. Bucc Cheek Buccal 33. Carcin Cancer Carcinogen 34. Cardi Heart Cardiogram 35. Carp Wrist Carpal Pertaining to the bronchi Bronchiole Bronchospasm Pertaining to the cheek Cancer-causing agent Carcinogenic Record of Heart activity Cardiovascular Cardiac Cardiopulmonary Pertaining to the wrist Carpal Tunnel 10

Bellwork Set #8 Prefix/ Suffix Meaning Example Meaning of Example Other Terms 36. Caud Tail Caudal 37. –cele Protrusion Hydrocele 38. –centesis Puncture to withdraw fluid Amniocentesis 39. Cephal Head Cephalic 40. Cerebr Brain Cerebrum Pertaining to the tail Cauda equina Water-filled protrusion Omphalocele Withdrawal of fluid from the amnion Arthrocentesis Pertaining to the head Brachiocephalic Cephalothoracic Pertaining to the brain Cerebral Cerebro-sclerosis 11

Bellwork Set #9 Prefix/ Suffix Meaning Example Meaning of Example Other Terms 41. Cervic Neck Cervical 42. Chem Chemical; drug Chemotherapy 43. Chlor Green Chlorine 44. Cholecyst Gallbladder Chole-cystectomy 45. Chondr Cartilage Chondrocyte Pertaining to the neck Cervicoplasty Cervicoccipital Drug Treatment Chemiosmosis Chemistry Green tinted gas Chlorophyll Chloroseptic Removal of the gallbladder Cholecystitis Cholecysostomy Cartilage cell Chondroitin Chondroplasty 12

Bellwork Set #10 Prefix/ Suffix Meaning Example Meaning of Example Other Terms 46. Chrom Color Chromatic 47. Chron Time Chronology 48. –cide To kill Suicide 49. circum- Around Circumduction 50. Celi Abdomen Celiotomy Pertaining to color Chromosomes Chromatography Study of time Chronological Chronic To kill one’s self Homocide Genocide Movement of a part in a circular pattern Circumference Circumcision Circumaxillary Incision into the abdomen Celitis Celiac Disease 13

Blepharoplasty: repair of the ______ PRACTICE EXERCISES Bellwork Quiz over 26-50!! Blepharoplasty: repair of the ______ Carcinogenic: ______ causing agent Cervical: Pertaining to the _______ Cholecystitis: inflammation of the _____________ Celiotomy: incision into the _______ eyelid Cancer neck Gallbladder abdomen 14

** Be prepared for T/F, MC, matching, and fill-in-the-blank! REVIEW NOW!! Bellwork Quiz over 26-50 TOMORROW!! Sample Questions: A cephalocele is ___________________. Arthrocentesis ___________________. ** Be prepared for T/F, MC, matching, and fill-in-the-blank! Protrusion of parts in the head Removal of fluid from a joint 15

Bellwork Set #11 Prefix/ Suffix Meaning Example Meaning of Example Other Terms 51. –cise To Cut Excise 52. –cle Small Vesicle 53. –coccus Round Staphylococcus 54. Col colon Colonoscopy 55. con- With; together Consult To cut out Incision Small fluid-filled sac Ventricle Tubercle Round grape-like clustered bacteria Streptococcus Using a scope to view the colon Colonic Colocentesis Work together Concordant Concentric 16

Bellwork Set #12 Prefix/ Suffix Meaning Example Meaning of Example Other Terms 56. contra- Against; opposite Contralateral 57. Coron Heart Coronary 58. Cost Rib Costal 59. Crani Skull Craniopathy 60. cryo- Cold Cryotherapy On opposite sides Contradict Contraceptive Pertaining to the heart Coronary artery Coronary sinus Pertaining to the ribs Costochondritis Costvertebral Any disease relating to the skull Cranial Craniofacial Craniectomy Treatment using cold (ex: ice) Cryophilic Cryopreservation 17

Bellwork Set #13 Prefix/ Suffix Meaning Example Meaning of Example Other Terms 61. Cutane Skin Subcutaneous 62. Cyan Blue Cyanosis 63. Cyst Bladder Cystitis 64. Cyt Cell Cytoplasm 65. –cyte Erythrocyte Beneath the skin Cutaneous Bluish skin Cyanobacteria Cyanopsia Inflammation of the bladder Cystectomy Cystocele Fluid of a cell Cytolysis Cytokinesis Red blood cell Blastocyte Leukocyte 18

Bellwork Set #14 Prefix/ Suffix Meaning Example Meaning of Example Other Terms 66. Dactyl Fingers; toes Polydactyly 67. de- Down; away from Depress 68. Derm Skin Dermis 69. Dermat Dermatitis 70. dextro- To the right Dextrocardia Having too many fingers or toes Adactyly Move down Decalcify Decay Pertaining to the skin Epidermis Subdermal Inflammation of the skin Dermatologist Displacement of the heart to the right Dextroposition 19

Bellwork Set #15 Prefix/ Suffix Meaning Example Meaning of Example Other Terms 71. di- Two Didactyly 72. dia- Through; across Diapedesis 73. Dipl Two; double Diplopia 74. dips thirst Polydipsia 75. dorso- Back Dorsal Two fingers or toes on one hand or foot Diatomic Diataxia blood cells through blood vessels Diameter Double vision Diploid Diplococcus Excessive thirst Dipsesis Dipsomania Pertaining to the back part Dorsolateral Dorsiflexion 20

Vesicle: _______ fluid-filled sac Coronary: Pertaining to the _______ PRACTICE EXERCISES Bellwork Quiz over 51-75!! Vesicle: _______ fluid-filled sac Coronary: Pertaining to the _______ Cystitis: Inflammation of the _______ Subdermal: Beneath the ______ Diplopia: _______ vision small heart bladder skin double 21

** Be prepared for T/F, MC, matching, and fill-in-the-blank! REVIEW NOW!! Bellwork Quiz over 51-75 TOMORROW!! Sample Questions: Didactyly is _____________________. Costochondritis is inflammation of the _________________. ** Be prepared for T/F, MC, matching, and fill-in-the-blank! Having 2 fingers/toes on 1 hand/foot Ribs and cartilage 22