Edwin Africano Adityanarayanan Radhakrishnan 6.175 Final Project Edwin Africano Adityanarayanan Radhakrishnan
Progress We have completed Part 1 We completed up to Exercise 8 of Part 2
Difficulties Incorrect IPCs for Stq and LHUSM in part 1 Fixed guard on req rule Starvation of Cores on Message Router Solution: Prioritize different core each cycle PPP Conflict of rules 2 and 4 Merged rules 2 and 4 into one rule
Difficulties Cache issue with evicting line Lr & Sc Issues Using tags to determine when to evict Lr & Sc Issues Fixed by making sure to invalidate line appropriately upon eviction Corrected an error in WaitFillResp Rule in DCache
Improvements for Course More hands bsv practice early on Emphasis on pattern matching and Maybe types early on Spread out of workload on 7, 8 and project Regular release of labs as opposed to different due dates on different days of week More office hours and different times
Acknowledgements Thanks to Arvind and Sizhuo for a great semester!