Plate Tectonics Plate Boundary DO NOW Divergent Convergent Pangea Mon./ Tues. 12/14 &15 Write 3-5 sentences about the words you see below. Divergent Plate Tectonics Pangea Convergent Plate Boundary Volcano Mountain Range Earthquake
TEKS 8.9 (A) describe the historical development of evidence that supports plate tectonic theory
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: DAILY OBJECTIVES: What was the early theory of continental drift; who developed it, and when was it developed? What were the discoveries that led to a theory of plate tectonics, and when were these discoveries made? DAILY OBJECTIVES: Students will describe the historical evidence that support plate tectonic theory.
Agenda ALL WORK IS DUE BY FRIDAY- THE END OF THE 6 WEEKS! Today’s Agenda Anchor Video Puzzles Pangea Maps Continents Adrift Video Historical Sentences Strips and Reading Text Message Homework Notebook Reflections DUE FRIDAY ALL WORK IS DUE BY FRIDAY- THE END OF THE 6 WEEKS!
Video V: 0 Watch video Answer in your notebook: Are the events in the video realistic? Why or why not? What natural disasters do you know of? Why do these natural disasters occur?
Puzzle V: 0 Put the puzzle together with your group! Rules: NO TALKING! Cannot take a puzzle piece from a group member’s hands. Post-Discussion: What strategies did your group use? How did you know when pieces fit together? How might this relate to the Earth?
Plate Tectonic Theory Evidence V: 1 On page __ in your INB, tape “Historical Evidence.” Color each section of the legend a different color.
Plate Tectonic Theory Evidence V: 1 Your teacher will model how to color in the evidence from two maps. Go to each table and color in the evidence for the map. Cut out your “puzzle” pieces Put the pieces of the puzzle together. Raise your hand when you think you have finished so the teacher can check. When complete, glue it on page __ in your INB.
Video V: 0 Watch Continents Adrift As you watch the video, answer the questions on the handout.
Sentence Strips V: 2 Using the reading, organize the sentence strips in chronological order. When finished, answer the following in your notebook: List the 5 pieces of evidence for plate tectonic theory. List 2 scientists besides Wegener who contributed to plate tectonic theory and describe their contributions. Explain the differences between continental drift and plate tectonic theory
Text Message V: 0 Write a text message to a friend who was absent today from class that explains the pieces of evidence supporting plate tectonics.
DO NOW V: 0 Wed 12/16 Get a computer. Turn it on and log in. Then close the lid halfway, so that the screen is at a 45 degree angle. On your do now sheet, write 3 pieces of evidence that support plate tectonic theory.
TEKS 8.9 (A) describe the historical development of evidence that supports plate tectonic theory
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: DAILY OBJECTIVES: What was the early theory of continental drift; who developed it, and when was it developed? What were the discoveries that led to a theory of plate tectonics, and when were these discoveries made? DAILY OBJECTIVES: Students will describe the historical evidence that support plate tectonic theory.
Agenda ALL WORK IS DUE BY FRIDAY- THE END OF THE 6 WEEKS! Today’s Agenda Alfred Wegner video Plate Tectonics WebQuest Homework Notebook Parent Reflection due Friday ALL WORK IS DUE BY FRIDAY- THE END OF THE 6 WEEKS!
Alfred Wegner Video V: 0 Alfred Wegner Video
Plate Tectonics WebQuest V: 0 Complete the Plate Tectonics WebQuest.
DO NOW V: 0 Thurs. 12/17 Get a computer. Turn it on and log in. Then close the lid halfway, so that the screen is at a 45 degree angle. Answer on your do now sheet: Who was Alfred Wegener? What were his contributions to Science?
TEKS 8.9 (A) describe the historical development of evidence that supports plate tectonic theory
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: DAILY OBJECTIVES: What was the early theory of continental drift; who developed it, and when was it developed? What were the discoveries that led to a theory of plate tectonics, and when were these discoveries made? DAILY OBJECTIVES: Students will describe the historical evidence that support plate tectonic theory.
Agenda ALL WORK IS DUE BY FRIDAY- THE END OF THE 6 WEEKS! Today’s Agenda Finish Webquest Research Natural Disaster Homework Notebook Parent Reflection due Friday ALL WORK IS DUE BY FRIDAY- THE END OF THE 6 WEEKS!
Plate Tectonics WebQuest V: 0 Complete the Plate Tectonics WebQuest.
Plate Tectonics WebQuest V: 0 After completing the WebQuest, use your computer to research a major event that has occurred in the last 5 years (earthquake, tsunami, volcano, etc.) that was created by tectonic plate movement. On the back of the WebQuest handout, include the following: Name, Date, and Location of event Describe how it occurred Name the two tectonic plates that interacted Describe the damage that occurred
DO NOW V: 0 Friday List 3 things you are looking forward to over the break.
TEKS 8.9 (A) describe the historical development of evidence that supports plate tectonic theory
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: DAILY OBJECTIVES: What was the early theory of continental drift; who developed it, and when was it developed? What were the discoveries that led to a theory of plate tectonics, and when were these discoveries made? DAILY OBJECTIVES: Students will describe the historical evidence that support plate tectonic theory.
Agenda Today is the last day of the 6 weeks! Today’s Agenda Ice Age: Continental Drift Spaghetti Trees Homework Notebook Reflections DUE Today is the last day of the 6 weeks!
Ice Age: Continental Drift V: 0 Watch clip of Ice Age: Continental Drift. What were 2 parts of the video that were accurate? What were 2 parts that were inaccurate?
Spaghetti Trees V: 0 Make the tallest spaghetti tree using the materials in your bag.