James I. O’Neill High School – September 13,2017 2017-18 open house James I. O’Neill High School – September 13,2017
Capital Project Benefits No increase in taxes Improved academic and athletic facilities at JIO Modernized and safer school 21st Century facility and learning environment Capital Project Benefits
Attend voter registration session on Saturday, October 7 from 10 a. m Attend voter registration session on Saturday, October 7 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Highland Falls Library (if you’re not already registered) Vote on Tuesday October 17 from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Highland Falls Intermediate school Check out the website for additional information Encourage friends and neighbors to vote as well what you can do
Importance of staying involved The more teenagers push you away, the more likely that they need you to hold firm and be a presence. Keeping informed about what is going on in school and staying active even through high school is essential – that is why you are here! Importance of staying involved
Research about ptsc involvement “Research shows that when parents are involved in their children's education, the children are more likely to: earn better grades. score higher on tests. pass their classes. attend school regularly. have better social skills. show improved behavior. be more positive in their attitude toward school. complete homework assignments. graduate and continue their education.” (www.ptotoday.com) Research about ptsc involvement
Join PTSC – Forms in the School Store next to the Cafeteria They need volunteers! Even one event per year helps. Join the Remind Account for texts about PTSC and upcoming events. To do so, text the message @jiop to the phone number 81010 Support the PTSC by going to the school store. It is open tonight from 6-7 and during lunch periods. Join committees at the school as well. Get Involved
Other Ways to Be Involved Join your child’s teachers’ Google Classrooms or their Remind accounts Email your child’s teachers/counselors whenever you have questions or concerns Follow the parent portal account Keep school informed about any issues going on at home Keep informed about your child’s homework, but let them take responsibility Ask questions about them, their social interactions, specific learning settings. Avoid being judgmental. Other Ways to Be Involved
stay Informed Follow Ms. Brand on Twitter: @JIOprincipal Other Twitter feeds to follow - @DrSheboy, @HFFMCSD Check out the school web page for updated information, announcements, news, etc. Read Ms. Brand’s Blog in the Principal’s Corner (under the “Our School” Tab of the School’s web page) stay Informed
School Safety Protocol If you plan to visit someone in the school, be sure to call ahead to make an appointment. Must have picture ID. Goal: to keep students, faculty and staff safe at all times. Please be patient and allot time for this process if you are picking up your child from school All parking must be in the visitor’s lot School Safety Protocol
Extra support Expanded Day (Tuesday-Friday) Regents Prep Courses NHS Tutoring Program Athletic Study Hall Khan Academy Subject area support PSAT/SAT support Extra support
Upcoming events PTSC Opening Meeting – Tuesday, September 19 at 7 p.m. PSATs – Wednesday, October 11 School starts regular time, shortened day Sophomores and Juniors - free Freshmen (limited spots) – first-come, first-serve. $16 Seniors – College workshops Freshmen – field trip to local college for tour Letters will be coming home in mail Upcoming events
Colonel Andrew Hanson West Point Garrison Commander How to become more connected to life on base Colonel Andrew Hanson
During study halls or lunch breaks in your child’s schedule: Refreshments donated by faculty to thank you for your participation Information about the parent portal and the Chromebook insurance policy – with Dr. Tejedor and Mrs. Clark in library PTSC sign up table Guidance Counselors available to answer questions Safe Homes of Orange County Assistance with free and reduced lunch applications - Ms. Cora Oberst Drop off completed parent surveys in the marked box in the library or outside the auditorium. In the library