Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet. Read the slogans and answer the two questions. 12/9, 10 1. If I continue doing what I always do, I will just get what I always got. 2. Time to start being something! 3. Stop chasing the wrong things. Answer the following questions: Which quote do you think applies to you the most? Is Nadira changing? Has she decided it is “time to start being something”? Begin working on Interactive Reading/ iPractices/ Independent Reading.
1. What context clues are included in each of the following sentences in order to determine the meanings of each word? 2. What does each word mean?
Versions: two or more stories or descriptions that are in some way different from one another SpongeBob has many versions of a ___________. Humiliated: made to feel ashamed, embarrassed, or foolish SpongeBob was humiliated when __________________.
Agenda Time (min.’s) Unit: Survival Essential Question: What does it take to survive? 5 Slogan Warm-Up 10 Vocabulary: versions, humiliated 15 Read Aloud Ask Me No Questions, Chapter 11(second part); Make Generalizations; Nadira’s and Aisha’s character traits Classroom Conversation Whole Group (Borders Packet) 35 Work Time: “Borders” Packet; 4.13 What does it mean?, unfinished iPractices, Interactive Reading, Word Slam (if not finished), Independent Reading Wrap-Up
4.01 Asylum: protection often given by a government to people who have left another country to escape danger or harm. Sweden gave asylum to those people escaping the _________ in their own country. Residency: legal permission to live in a country. After Giovanni had lived in ___________, he was finally able to establish residency. 4.02 Deported: forced to leave a country. After the moon people discovered Garfield didn’t _______, they deported him from the moon . Register: to have one’s name put on an official list. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles tried to register themselves as the world’s greatest ________________. 4.03 Detention: the state of being held in prison; the state of being held in a place where people are waiting for trial or action by a court After Tweety Bird ______________, she was placed in detention. Authorities: people in charge, especially in government Captain Caveman had to convince the authorities to _____________. 4.04 Monsoon: a strong wind that occurs every summer in Southern Asia, bringing heavy rain Superman was so angry at __________ that he created a monsoon with his super breath. Agriculture: farming; raising crops and farm animals, such as chickens, horses and pigs After __________________, Spiderman spent the rest of his days working in agriculture as a farmer.
4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 Illegal: not allowed by law Little did the penguin-unicorn know that it was illegal to _________. Policy: official set of rules and procedures It is against official Ninja-Penguin policy to ____________ . 4.07 Supervisor: a person in charge of workers After he ________________, The Josh became supervisor of all of the workers. Annoyance: a feeling of slight anger; a feeling of being bothered or disturbed by someone or something Although the ______was an annoyance, it was nothing to Iron Frank. 4.08 Application: a form or document used to make a request for something The authorities made all of their minions fill out an application in order to ________________. Competition: a desire or struggle to get or win something that someone else also wants The farmer made it a competition to see how quickly he could register the chickens for ________________ . 4.09 Generation: the average time in years between the birth of parents and that of their children The Digital Generation refers to anyone born after 2001. These people must really like ________________. Relented: gave in, stopped resisting. The child kept begging for ________________ and his mother finally made him happy and relented.
4.11 Flagging: weakening; giving up After chasing ____________, the Tasmanian Devil could feel his energy flagging. Fund: an amount of money that is set aside for a particular purpose John put his ___________ into a fund in hopes that he could buy a real Tasmanian Devil one day. 4.12 Tinge: a trace of something A roan is a horse with a tinge of two different __________ in its coat. Defy: to disobey authority; to resist boldly Tigger chose to defy Eeyore, which caused ______________. 4.13 Facility: a building created to serve a particular function, such as a school, hotel, gym or hospital When the school became ___________, a new facility was planned. Ravenous: very hungry There was never a bear more ravenous for ________ than Winnie the Pooh. 4.14 Versions: two or more stories or descriptions that are in some way different from one another SpongeBob has many versions of a ___________. Humiliated: made to feel ashamed, embarrassed, or foolish SpongeBob was humiliated when __________________.
Physical Traits: Nadira What she says: What it says about her:
Nadira: 10 Characteristics or Traits of Nadira that are similar to Bangladesh: 10 Characteristics or facts about Bangladesh 1. Nadira is poor when it comes to self esteem. She doesn’t have much of it. 1. It is a poor country. 2. Or:
Chapter 11 Character Traits: Aisha Nadira Name: __________________ Ask Me No Questions Chapter 11 Character Traits: Aisha Nadira
Wrap Up What kind of “hope” has Nadira been given in this chapter?