Vöcklabruck, Austria Church Construction
30th Anniversary In 1983 Avant missionaries began evangelistic activities in the city of Vöcklabruck. Two years later, the Free Church of Vöcklabruck was founded. The church first met for Bible study and worship in the home of the Bryans. In 1991 the church called a pastor and began meeting in larger rented halls.
Mostly in summer, services were conducted in a castle that had been converted into a trade school
At other times, the church met in the Union Hall
In recent years most services have been held in the city's new Music School
Rented halls are costly and at times not available
After thirty years, it's time to build!
Much of the work was done by members
Benjamin Harvey, our grandson!
The city secretary is the second highest position but Peter's heart is in serving the Lord and his church.
The guy wearing a hat is our son, Richard Harvey
To be Continued... …until Jesus comes!