‘The correct Promo!’ For each image, state which type of promotional method is being used. Is it above or below the line?
Learning Objectives UNIT TITLE: Unit 19: The Marketing Plan LESSON TITLE: The Promotional Mix CRITERIA: P4/M2/D2 COMPETENCY FOCUS: Creativity (L3): Learner will develop their skills in creativity through the creation of a promotional campaign for a selected business which includes designing a suitable and effective logo and strapline. Entrepreneurship (S4) : To develop your entrepreneurial skills in preparing a realistic proposal for a new business start-up. Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, you should be able to… LO1) Identify the elements of the promotional mix (Gui) LO2) Describe each of the elements of the promotional mix using examples (Gui-Reg) LO3) Using your skills of creativity, apply the elements of the promotional mix to a selected branded product (Reg-Str).
I am able to develop my skills in creativity by designing and developing a product that will be innovative and original, and provide me with a competitive advantage. Competence level Descriptor Autonomous I can delve deeper into the impact of my product on the market. I can evaluate how successful the launch of my product will be through how well it applies to the marketing mix. I can then assess whether my product needs improving or re-designing. Advanced I can confidently assess whether my product is creative and innovative enough to meet the needs and wants of my target group of customers. I can evaluate my marketing mix to see if my product will help me to become a successful entrepreneur and make a profit. Strong I know who my customers are through market segmentation. I can then use appropriate marketing strategies through the creation of the marketing mix to market my product to my target group. Regular I know how the features and benefits of my new product will help me to assess who my target customers are, and also give me a competitive advantage over my rivals (unique selling point). Guided I understand the elements that make up a creative and innovative product.
The Marketing Mix (4P’s)
PROMOTION How is the product advertised? Are there any promotions on the product (BOGOF, 10% extra free, free gift)?
PROMOTION How is the product advertised? Are there any promotions on the product (BOGOF, 10% extra free, free gift)?
PROMOTION Promotion methods are classified in to: Above-the-line promotion (mass media) OR… Below-the-line promotion (targeted media)
PROMOTION Types of Promotion: Advertising (TV/radio/newspapers/magazines) Personal selling Direct Mail (mailshot) Sponsorship Public Relations (PR) Exhibitions Sales Promotion (i.e BOGOF, 10% off) Celebrity Endorsement
P4 COURSEWORK TASK Decide which promotional activities the business has decided to use (include your designs from criterion P2), state whether each method is an example of above-the-line or below-the-line promotion and complete the below table to show a plan of the promotional schedule and costing. Remember your business has only been given £10,000 from the bank and £5,000 from Business Link to cover all of its marketing activities! PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY TIME TAKEN TO PLAN AND DESIGN PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY DURATION OF PROMOTIONAL RUN (i.e. how long will you run the campaign for?) COSTINGS (i.e. per day, per schedule) 1 2 3 4 5 6
M2 COURSEWORK TASK Include another section into your marketing plan, entitled ‘Promotion Plan’. Write a promotion plan that includes the following (you can use the following as sub-headings to structure your plan if you wish). Coordination with the rest of the marketing mix. (How will you ensure your promotion plan coordinates with the rest of the marketing plan?) Company image to be developed. (How will you develop/portray your company image correctly and how much will this cost the business?) Schedule of proposed promotional campaign Type of promotional materials Aim of promotional materials i.e. attract attention, promote the business to be environmentally friendly. Branding/logo (design a suitable logo for your new product) Online presence (website design) How will you measure the success of promotional campaigns?
‘PROMOTION HOOPSHOT’ http://www.businessstudiesonline.co.uk/live/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=35&Itemid=23