International Health Issues Session 5… February 12th HL 322 Winter 2019 Our course weebly with syllabus: Syllabus and weebly are on Educat, but course content will not be. We will be using the weebly. This is a project based learning, GEN ED class.
Shadow power as Evil… the Psych of Evil Violating Human Rights; Warning… some graphic depictions On the same paper… Please answer the following questions on the Zimbardo Video on the Psychology of Evil… How is evil defined? How is evil depicted in art/literature (design aspects)? What two famous social science experiments/research studies are alluded to in this video? Who’s to blame for evil? Individual (bad apple?); crate? … a systems look. Under what conditions are people most likely to commit evil? What did you find most interesting? Zimbardo on evil
Answers for Zimbardo video… Def of Evil… evil is the exercise of power to purposefully harm people psychology, hurt people physically, to destroy people mortally (or ideas), and to commit crimes against humanity; The Lucifer Effect… the potential negative that individuals can be transformed into . All evil starts with pushing the first 15 volts…. 450 volts is the XXX (pornography of power)… willingness to blindly follow authority Arc Design Aspects… picture’s worth a thousand words; symbol’s worth a thousand pictures… MC Esher Angels and Demons; Dr. Jeckyl & Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson; Dr. Zimbardo’s shirt; story/arc of Lucifer’s transformation from favorite angel to the devil; Leonardo Da Vinci’s Ode to Humanity; cartoon (neither good or bad cop) Stanford Prison Experiment (power of institutions to affect apples) where kids had health breakdowns due to the stress; and generalization to Abu Ghraib in Iraq; Milgram Study (individuals and power)
Continued… Who’s to blame? Need to take a systems thinking approach (effective thinking) : -Dispositional – actor on stage (what’s inside the individual)- bad apple? -Situational – the stage itself/barrel… bad barrel -System- the bad barrel makers… legal, What conditions? Change appearance (lord of the flies) for anonymity to kill, torture, mutilate- power of anonymity (masks); mindlessly taking first step; dehumanization of others; de-individualization of self; diffusion of personal responsibility; uncritical conforming to group norms; blind obedience to authority; passive tolerance of evil through inaction or indifference; power without oversight Prescription Need paradigm shift from medical model (individual) to public health model (systems) approach… to addressing disease. Heroism to fight evil. What did you find most interesting?
Today TEST 2 Power and Authority and Health/Human Rights Issues The carving up of Africa; the scramble for Africa (article on this ) And EUROPEAN IMPERIALISM IN AFRICA
Power & Authority and the Psych of Evil… Human Rights Violations
King Leopald II Story of King Leopald II 5 of the worst dictators
A brilliant genocide (Uganda) https://www. youtube. com/watch Let’s look at Idi Amin and Uganda how it set the stage for Joseph Kony and Pres Museveni History of Uganda… **Joseph Kony on 60 minutes Now… Brilliant Genocide A documentary film revealing untold stories from the 20 year long war in Northern Uganda between Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) and the Ugandan Government Under Current President Yoweri Museveni What did you think? Please watch and sum video… A Brilliant Genocide (Uganda) Fyi only…About Uganda and dictator Idi Amin
https://commons. wikimedia Uganda… a British Protectorate
Homework Summary of video… A Brilliant Genocide (Uganda) Submit summary On EduCat Putting movie above in context: historical context European Imperialism And cartoon version and then Uganda with Noam Chomsky Fyi only…About Uganda and dictator Idi Amin