What We Are Learning This Week: Mrs. Simmons’s News Oct. 9-13,2017 csimmons@ponderisd.net 479-8390 Spelling Words: dish thin while than push these chest shine flash such chase white Word Wall Words: people, old, round, give, know Vocabulary Words: wonderful, noises, quiet, sprinkled, share, noticed, bursting, suddenly Please sign up for a parent conference next week if you have not already. Please use the cards to practice plus 4 facts this week. What We Are Learning This Week: READING: story structure, visualize ENGLISH: singular and plural nouns SPELLING: th, sh, wh, ch, tch MATH: addition and subtraction SOCIAL STUDIES: patriotic holidays, Robert Fulton, landmarks and government buildings Important Dates: Oct. 3 Raffle Sales Begin Oct. 16 No School Oct. 20 Early dismissal at 1:30 Oct. 28 Fall Festival Homework: Every night study spelling words. Monday: read Poetry Folder for 10 min. Tuesday: read book in folder Wednesday: read Selection Summary Thursday: read book in folder