Band Room Non-Negotiables
Items You Don’t Need During Class
No, You May Not Wear Definitely don’t wear this
No, You Can’t Charge Your Phone Pro tip – If you don’t use your phone, the battery will last longer. Pro tip #2 – Since you don’t need your phone, turn it off. This will make the battery last really long. Pro tip #3 – If you need to “talk to your mother/father,” you can go to the main office and call at the end of class. Besides, they would rather hear the sound of your voice, as opposed to reading a text. Pro tip #4 – Tell your friends you have a very mean teacher during this class time and encourage them to help you save battery life by not texting you while you’re in the band room. Pro tip #5 – The band room is a black hole for cell phones, especially Verizon. I know from experience.
No, You Can’t Have…
Lockers Lockers are for band students only for storing instruments You may share a locker with a friend(s) You will be provided with a lock for your locker and may not use a different lock other than the one provided. Your lock will be the same one for every year you are in band. Lockers are based on the size of the instruments that are in them.
What not to keep in your locker Actual picture of BHS instrument locker
Why can’t I keep those thing in my locker?
An example of how not to do a PowerPoint But You Can Have A Learning Experience An example of how not to do a PowerPoint Some Good Laughs