Maria Theodora Rosary, 相良建至, 寺西高, 藤田訓裕, タンデム加速器の加速減速強集束運転法 Acceleration-Deceleration STRONG FOCUSING operation OF Tandem Accelerator Maria Theodora Rosary, 相良建至, 寺西高, 藤田訓裕, 谷口雅彦, 大場希美, 松田沙矢香, 山口祐幸 九州大学大学院理学府理学専攻粒子物理学
Introduction Astrophysics Experiment : 12C + 4He → 16O + γ We need Stellar energy Exp. plan D. Schurmann et al. Eur. Phys. J. A 26, 301-305 (2005) We need Ecm [MeV] Beam intensity Target Yield [/day] Time 2.4 50pnA 6Torr x 4.5cm 420 1.5 100pnA 15Torr x 4.5cm 150 1.15 1pμA 20Torr x 4.5cm 300 1.0 2pμA 100 0.85 20 2 weeks 0.7 10pμA 5 1 month 2014 2012 2010
Experiment At Ecm = 1.15 0.7 MeV Vac 12C 16O Detector (Si-SSD) Sputter ion source & pre-buncher 12C beam Tandem Accelerator 16O 12C Acceleration Voltage (Vac) (MV)
Experiment How to do ? Iin Iout At Ecm = 1.15 0.7 MeV We need high intensity 12C beam (10A) But beam transmission (Tr) is low Tandem Accelerator Vac (MV) Iin Iout How to do ? Beam Transmission Focusing force is strong Focusing force is weak Vac
Acceleration–Deceleration Operation Year 2002 Kyushu University Normal Accel-Decel add shorting bars Vac Vac 1MV Focusing force is weak 6MV Focusing force is strong Accel-Decel operation (strong focusing) Normal operation (weak focusing) Iac Iac Iac Iac Iac Vac (MV) Vac (MV) Vac (MV) In calculation, beam transmission (Tr) was increased Experiment using 1MV Beam transmission (Tr) was 10 times increased Injected beam current can be increased Total : beam intensity was nearly 200 times increased
The problem Beam load for accelerator Beam Envelope (Now) e- load Gas stripper 20pA 10pA 12C- Beam fluctuates Load fluctuates Vac is unstable … feedback Beam is unstable Beam hits acceleration tube Many secondary e- are generated Become load Beam Envelope (Now) Beam Envelope (Optimum) Not hit Beam Large load Small load Hit How to reduce beam load ?
The Problem Beam Envelope (Now) Beam Envelope (Optimum) Large load Not hit Beam Large load Small load Hit
Project Make focus-simulation program Reproduce previous simulation Calculate with realistic distribution voltage Earthquake (2005) some glass columns were cracked and electrically shorted Search for small-load (Optimum Vac distribution)
Focus Calculation rf = 5 mm (at the stripper) rmax =10 mm (in the acceleration tube) Vac 20 tubes Vac L = acceleration tube length fi and fo = focal length D = drift space length a = 1.0 and b = 0.57 r = radius = angle X 20 tubes Condition : r20 ≤ 5 mm (at the stripper) r1-r19 ≤ 10 mm (in the acceleration tube) Acceptance r1.1 Beam transmission (Tr) (r1.1)2
Result Normal reproduce Accel-Decel Ideal Accel-Decel Realistic Acceleration voltage Beam profile on acceleration tube Normal reproduce Accel-Decel Ideal Accel-Decel Realistic Earthquake damage was small Tr(1MV) = 1 Tr (6MV) 5.49 Tr(AD ideal) =13.44 Tr (Normal) Tr(AD real) =0.97 Tr (AD ideal)
Thank YOU Summary Finished Project : Make focus-simulation program Reproduce previous simulation Calculate with realistic distribution voltage Earthquake (2005) some glass columns were cracked and electrically shorted Search for small-load (Vac distribution) Finished Not hit Beam Small load To minimize beam load, optimum Vac distribution will be searched from now. For 12C+4He 16O+ experiment below Ecm = 1.15 MeV, Accel-Decel operation is necessary. New Accel-Decel simulation program has been prepared. Thank YOU