Africans in Latin America African Slaves Labor Toussaint Louverture Maroons Observe the three photos, what might be similarities and differences? Take a minute to discuss this with an elbow partner.
African Groups In west-central Africa, the country that is now Angola is the home of the Mbundu group. The Yoruba empire expanded beyond the borders of present-day Nigeria. Hundreds of tribes and kingdoms thrived in west Africa. Yoruba people of Nigeria in West Africa Mbundu people of Angola in West Africa
Slavery Slaves are people forced to work against their will. Societies throughout history have enslaved other people. For example, the Aztecs enslaved their enemies. Slaves in the Aztec Empire had much better rights than in any other ancient society
Plantation A plantation is a large farm that typically produces one crop to sell. The rainforest on an island is burned to the ground; only sugarcane is planted.
Raw Materials Raw materials are agricultural products that do not have value until they are made into something else. Sugarcane, lumber, and cotton are raw materials.
Enslavement of Native People Native People like the Taino were forced by violence to work as slaves on Spanish sugarcane plantations. By 1530, around 80% of Taino had died of exhaustion, starvation, and the European disease smallpox.
Enslavement of Africans In 1526, a ship loaded with enslaved Africans reached the Caribbean. Over the next 350 years, twelve million Africans were kidnapped, chained, and sold into slavery in the New World, to be owned as chattel and controlled with violence. How might Aztec slavery be different from Africans? Take a minute to discuss this with an elbow partner.
Triangular Trade Ships full of enslaved people sailed west from Africa to the Americas. Ships full of raw materials like sugar, and tobacco sailed northeast from the Americas to Europe. Ships full of manufactured goods like guns and cloth sailed south from Europe to West Africa. From 1600 to 1850, Triangular Trade made Europe rich.
The system of trade between Africa, the Americas, and Europe became known as the Triangular Trade.
Maroons All over Latin America, enslaved Africans escaped to the rainforest and formed communities. They were called Maroons, from the Spanish word cimarrón, meaning wild. A Maroon society of 20,000 lived in the Amazon Rainforest. Video: Who Said We Didn't Fight Back....Quilombo Dos Palmares
Toussaint Louverture Toussaint Louverture was born into slavery around 1740 in the French sugar colony of Haiti. He learned to read and write, and he determined to create a free country--free from French control, and free from slavery. He led a rebellion of enslaved people in 1791. His army fought against the French for ten years. Finally, in 1801 he produced the constitution of a new, free republic. He journeyed to France, where he was betrayed, sent to prison, and died in 1803. Haiti’s struggle continued, and in 1804 it became a free nation. Video: Toussaint Louverture The Man Who Defeated Napoleon
Summarizer Directions: Provide correct responses to the statements below. Native People were enslaved to work on sugar plantations. Why didn’t plantation owners just continue to use Native slaves? Why did they have to enslave African people? 2. African people were enslaved as chattel. What does this mean? 3. Toussaint Louverture led Haitian Revolution had two goals. Explain both goals. 4. You are a Maroon and have escaped to community in the mountainous of the Amazon rainforest. Your reaction and what do you observe?