#53 Ch 14 S 3 Details: Read & Notes Ch 14 S 3 _____________ 11.6.2- Understand the causes of the Great Depression and steps taken by the government to combat the crisis 11.6.3- Discuss the human toll of the Depression and its effects on population and political movements.
The Great Depression Begins Hoover Struggles with the Depression Chapter 14: The Great Depression Begins Section 3: Hoover Struggles with the Depression
Economic Theory Economics is cyclical Periods of growth are followed by periods of depression In time, the economy would fix itself with no help from the government
Hoover’s Philosophy Believed that one of the government’s main functions was to bring cooperation between competing interest groups Management vs. labor (for example) Cooperation must be voluntary Government should encourage and facilitate Rugged individualism was valued People succeeding through their own efforts Hoover opposed federal welfare Did not want people to rely on government Believed individuals & charities should help needy
Times Worsened Clever nicknames came up blaming Hoover for not acting to help people directly Hoover was seen as cold and heartless Shantytowns = Hoovervilles Newspapers = Hoover Blankets Empty Pockets = Hoover Flags Farmers declared a “farm holiday” Refused to work their fields Stopped delivery of/destroyed their crops to limit supply and raise demand & price
Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam) A public works project initiated prior to the depression World’s tallest dam Helped to spur agriculture growth in CA Shared water distribution in the surrounding states Provided jobs in a tough economic time Hoover Dam Info and Pics
Hoover Takes Cautious Steps Called business and labor leaders together Asked them to not make a bad situations worse Business not to: Cut wages Cut hours Cut workers Labor not to: Demand higher wages Go out on strike None of these steps made much of a difference
Hoover Acts Hoover softens his position of government intervention Hoover backs cooperatives to help industries like farming and banking Direct intervention by Hoover To help the economy Hoover finally passes: Federal Home Loan Bank Act Help keep people in their homes Reconstruction Finance Corporation Emergency financing for banks and other large businesses
The Last Straw The Bonus Army 10k-20k WWI veterans came to D.C. asking for $ that was due to them in 1945 to account for military service Average of $500 per soldier The bill went to the senate and was denied Some marchers refused to leave Hoover became nervous and gave orders to disband the marchers In all the chaos, troops opened fire and gassed the Bonus Army to break them up 1 infant died; 8 yr. old boy blinded; 2 people shot With the impending election Roosevelt knew he would now win…
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#53 Ch 14 S 3 Details: Read & Notes Ch 14 S 3 Study Guide ?s 1-6 (6) 11.6.2- Understand the causes of the Great Depression and steps taken by the government to combat the crisis 11.6.3- Discuss the human toll of the Depression and its effects on population and political movements.