A Study of I Peter.


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Presentation transcript:

A Study of I Peter

“How to Spot a Leader You Can Trust” I Peter 5:1-4 Part#15 “How to Spot a Leader You Can Trust” I Peter 5:1-4

I. Characteristics of a Spiritual Leader vs.1 Part#15 I. Characteristics of a Spiritual Leader vs.1 A. Humility B. Team Member C. Sacrificial

II. Responsibilities of a Spiritual Leader vs.2 Part#15 A. Caring John 21:15-17 B. Protecting Acts 20:28 C. Leading Acts 6:1-1

III. Priorities of a Spiritual Leader vs.2-4 Part#15 A. Serve Willingly vs.2, I Timothy 3:1 B. Serve Eagerly vs.2, I Timothy 6:9&10 C. Serve as an Example vs.3&4, Matthew 20:25-28, Hebrews 13:17