DE Science Middle School 5-Minute Prep for Matter Physical Changes in Matter Changes in States
States of Matter Matter: anything that has mass and takes up space Three States of Matter: Solid Liquid Gas
Changes in States—The Key Ideas Melting point is the point of change from solid to liquid. Freezing point is the point of change from liquid to solid. Boiling point is the point of change from liquid to gas. Condensation point is the point of change from gas to liquid. Temperature conversion. C to F : (c) 9/5 + 32 F to C : (F – 32) 5/9
Changes in States—Prior Knowledge Changes in states is a first step into students’ submicroscopic understanding of how matter changes in states. It will help for students to review the Animation State of Matter. It will also help if they have: A basic understanding that matter changes states. Successfully identified everyday and submicroscopic examples of solids, liquids, and gases.
Changes in States— Common Misconceptions Molecules in solids do not move. Reality: Molecules in solids vibrate. When water bubbles while boiling, the bubbles are air, oxygen, hydrogen, or heat. Reality: Bubbles formed by boiling water consist of water vapor.
Changes in States— Using DE Science Content Use the PowerPoint version of this presentation for hyperlinks to these resources, or you can get to them through the browser or search feature. Resource 1, Video Segment: Heat and the Changing States of Matter Resource 2, Science Sleuths: The K!Zing! Caper Resource 3, Image: Changes in State
Changes in States—Instructional Ideas Use the entire classroom or an outdoor area to have the students physically demonstrate how water molecules change between states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. Students should be able to identified why the change has occurred and how the movement of molecules and spacing between molecules has changed. Each student should complete the Science Sleuths The K!Zing! Caper and then have a discussion as a whole class focusing on the changes in states of matter of K!Zing!
State Standards If you wish to review your state standards regarding Changes in States, click here to get to the curriculum standards search feature of DES. You can click on any standard to see what resources are available for you to use.