Some house keeping Participant list Twitter #humanitiesOA @fosterscience @dariaheu Slides will be shared via www.fosteropenscience.eu Evaluation forms
Program Welcome FOSTER, DARIAH-EU, blog competition winners The changing landscape of scholarly communication in the Humanities Open Scholarly Monographs, from Technology to Usage. (Pierre Mounier, OPERAS) Open Access for Books - Closing the Loop. (Sven Fund, Knowledge Unlatched) Scholarly Makerspaces - A new Perspective on Library Services for Arts & Humanities Researchers. (Ben Kaden, Michael Kleineberg, HU Berlin) 12:00 am - Lunch Opening up the Peer Review Process. (Edit Görögh, OpenUP, University of Göttingen) 1. Welcome to the day (8:45 - 10:05am) 08:45 am - Reception 09:15 am - Welcome (Andreas Degkwitz, Jakob und Wilhelm Grimm Zentrum) 09:20 am - How FOSTER advances Open Science. (Helene Brinken, FOSTER) 09:30 am - We are part of it: Open Science, Humanities, and DARIAH. (Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra, DARIAH-EU) 09:40 am - Presentations from blog competition winners 10:05 am - Coffee break
Program Hands-On sessions Legally published: Copyright Issues and Open Licensing in the Humanities. (Walter Scholger, Austrian Center for Digital Humanities, University of Graz, Vanessa Hannesschläger, Austrian Center for Digital Humanities and Austrian Academy of Sciences) 03:00 pm - Coffee break Parallel workshops: Do-it-yourself Self-archiving. (Laurent Romary (DARIAH-EU), Naomi Truan (FU Berlin)) Future Proof and FAIR Research Data: Open Data Management Best Practices & First Steps. (Ulrike Wuttke, FH Potsdam) 3. Hands-On sessions (1:30 - 5pm) 01:30 pm - Legally published: Copyright Issues and Open Licensing in the Humanities. (Walter Scholger, Austrian Center for Digital Humanities, University of Graz, Vanessa Hannesschläger, Austrian Center for Digital Humanites and Austrian Academy of Sciences) 03:00 pm - Coffee break 03:30 pm - Parallel workshops: Do-it-yourself Self-archiving. (Laurent Romary (DARIAH-EU), Naomi Truan (Freie Universität Berlin)) Future Proof and FAIR Research Data: Open Data Management Best Practices & First Steps. (Ulrike Wuttke, Fachhochschule Potsdam) 05:00 pm - Wrap up
How FOSTER advances Open Science Helene Brinken University of Göttingen brinken@sub.uni-goettingen.de @helenebrinken
What is Open Science? Open Science is the practice of science in such a way that others can collaborate and contribute, where research data, lab notes and other research processes are freely available, under terms that enable reuse, redistribution and reproduction of the research and its underlying data and methods. [FOSTER, Open Science Definition: https://www.fosteropenscience.eu/foster-taxonomy/open-science-definition] The movement to make scientific research, data and dissemination accessible to all levels of an inquiring society. [FOSTER, Open Science Definition https://www.fosteropenscience.eu/taxonomy/term/7] Some definitions, I won’t go into more details, but you have the whole day to learn more about how to put OS into practice and why it is important Open Science Training Handbook. https://book.fosteropenscience.eu/
FOSTER Plus – Open Science training The project EU-funded project (2017-19) To achieve a cultural change towards Open Science To raise awareness about Open Science To foster the practical implementation of Open Science offline & online training www.fosteropenscience.eu
Resources & infrastructure Open Science taxonomy & materials to reuse Events calendar & trainers directory New courses www.fosteropenscience.eu/toolkit Paper available at http://oro.open.ac.uk/44719/. Image available at http://oro.open.ac.uk/47806/
Free online courses www.fosteropenscience.eu/toolkit What is Open Science? Best Practice in Open Research Open Access Publishing Open Peer Review Sharing Preprints Data Protection & Ethics Open Source Software & Workflows Managing & Sharing Research Data Open Science & Innovation Open Licensing - Answering burning questions of researchers - Where relevant, discipline specific examples (CRG, GESIS, DARIAH-EU) - Interactive content (quizzes & badges after each course) www.fosteropenscience.eu/toolkit
Earn badges for courses & learning paths Effort 3-5 hours Complete (a set) of courses & get a badge
Training for trainers Building a community of trainers to achieve a multiplier effect Trainer bootcamps Resources to support trainers community Open Science Training Handbook Guide for trainers on how to forward knowledge on Open Science Resource from the community for the community
The Open Science Training Handbook Idea: bring experienced trainers together to write a book Format: 5-day book sprint FOSTER: writing environment Authors: expertise & skills CC Zero licence for simple re-use Living book open for contributions & translations 14 experts invited as authors
Open Science Basics book.fosteropenscience.eu Open Science Policies Open Access to Published Research Results Open Concepts & Principles Open Licensing & File Formats Open Research Data & Materials Open Research Software & Open Source Reproducible Research & Data Analysis Open Peer Review, Metrics & Evaluation Open Education Resources book.fosteropenscience.eu
Open Science Basics On Learning and Training Organisational Aspects What is it? Why is it important? Learning objectives to achieve Questions, obstacles, & common misconceptions Further resources Key components: Knowledge & skills On Learning and Training Organisational Aspects How to prepare, execute & reflect your workshop Venue, timing & budget, equipment & media, marketing & advertising strategy etc. book.fosteropenscience.eu
Facebook: @fosteropenscience Twitter: @fosterscience Thank you! Questions? Facebook: @fosteropenscience Twitter: @fosterscience Youtube: FOSTER Open Science This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 741839
Time for coffee
Time for lunch 12-13h