Whose idea was it? Socrates: 469-399 B.C.E. Plato: 424-348 B.C.E. Father of Western philosophy and Mentor to Plato. Epistemology and logic. Plato: 424-348 B.C.E. Student of Socrates and founder of “The Academy” Philosophy, logic, ethics, rhetoric and mathematics. Aristotle: 384-322 B.C.E. Student of Plato, and teacher to Alexander the Great.
Rhetoric Rhetoric: Close Reading: Rhetorical Analysis: The traditional definition of rhetoric, first proposed by Aristotle, and embellished over the centuries by scholars and teachers, is that rhetoric is the art of observing in any given case the “available means of persuasion.” Close Reading: Reading to “develop an understanding of a text that is based first on the words themselves and then on the larger ideas those words suggest.” Rhetorical Analysis: Defining an author’s purpose, then identifying and analyzing the techniques and strategies employed to achieve that purpose.
Why Goals and Objectives? Course Goal—broad, long-term To understand the elements of argument and other genres or writing, and apply them in both writing, and analysis. Daily Objective—accomplishing “pieces” of the “goal,” one step at a time To understand the finer elements of research—to review annotated bibs To understand the elements of revision in essay writing—to revise an essay draft
Eco Fact of the Week
Recognition and Congratulations!
AP Language and Composition Thursday, 20 October 2016 Time will pass; will you? 42 school days remain in the fall semester. Today’s Objectives: To understand the elements of revision in essay writing—to revise an essay draft
51 of the most beautiful sentences in literature @buzzfeed.com 42. “It frightened him to think what must have gone to the making of her eyes.” Edith Wharton, The Age of Innocence
Housekeeping Volunteering at Paz de Chisto—feeding the downtrodden The next date is November 11—Veteran’s Day. 3 volunteers needed from 4 until 7 p.m. Sign up by 11/4. The Daily Course Calendar was last updated October 18 Writing Contests are now posted on the class website—you can earn optional credit for these. Are you monitoring your grade? Alert me immediately to any discrepancies. Bringing your book to class—it’s on the assignment calendar, and you are responsible for bringing it!
Coming Due—do not squander time—that’s the stuff life’s made of! Due Monday: An example of satire, written or visual Due Thursday, 10/27: Annotated Bibs # 5, 6 and 7 Philosophy essay revision —tii upload required Due Monday, 10/31: Grammar Lesson #4
Today’s Class— please have your vocabulary logs on your desks Compile/Score/Turn in philosophy units Understanding the elements of revision in essay writing Revising your essay drafts