MEDIA Are you listening?
DIVITO 2011-2012 Advertising ‘Take Over’ Creating a Catchy New Slogan and Logo for a Product. DIVITO 2011-2012 You and your friend, Grandma Wheely have decided to open your own Advertising Company. The first thing Grandma Wheely tells you to do, is create a new slogan and logo for a popular product. She will then present them to the company, and they will love it! Grandma says that both of you can be rich… if the company wants to use your new slogan and logo. Select a company that is well known. Decide on a catchy slogan. Draw the new logo next to the brand name and create a new slogan that is appealing to the intended target audience. Will you be rich? Or is Grandma Wheely wrong? It will all depend on how great your new logo and slogan are going to be. DIVITO
Logos & Slogans As a commercial society we are constantly being bombarded with messages of products that we need to buy. We are repeatedly told we are too fat, too thin, have not enough friends, are not popular, are not fit enough, etc. These messages promise that if we buy a product, all these problems that we apparently have will disappear. Just to see what kind of influence these advertisements have on people, examine and guess the company of each of the following logos and slogans.
Do you know your logos?
How many did you recognize? 22?
Most children your age are exposed to more logos and slogans than any other form of information, including school. Just imagine if instead of advertising products on TV, radio, Internet and Print Media, you were shown math and science and equations. How smart would you be?
Let’s test your ability?
Identify the following as fast as you can.
Identify the following as fast as you can.
Identify the following as fast as you can. Terry Fox Donna Strickland, Nobel Prize John A. MacDonald Queen’s Park, TO
When asked about products to buy and their logos or slogans, how many did you know? When asked about the leaders of your community, province, important people that made major changes in history, or important places for a Canadian to know, how many did you know?
Do you know your slogans? The following slogans had their logos removed and are typed in plain text. Can you still recognize the company? Who do you think the company is trying to appeal to? What type of persuasive technique are they using? SLOGAN COMPANY ADVERTISING TO METHOD 1) Taste the rainbow. 2) They’re GRRREAT! 3) Always so good for so little 4) Save money, live better 5) Just Do It 6) Betcha can’t eat just one! 7) I’m lovin it.. 8) Have a Break. Have a …
Do you know your slogans? The following slogans had their logos removed and are typed in plain text. Can you still recognize the company? Who do you think the company is trying to appeal to? What type of persuasive technique are they using? SLOGAN COMPANY ADVERTISING TO METHOD 1) Taste the rainbow. Skittles 2) They’re GRRREAT! Frosted Flakes 3) Always so good for so little Swiss Chalet 4) Save money, live better Walmart 5) Just Do It Nike 6) Betcha can’t eat just one! Lays 7) I’m lovin it.. McD 8) Have a Break. Have a … KitKat
SLOGAN COMPANY ADVERTISING TO METHOD 9) Where the lowest price is the law 10) Eat Fresh 11) You’ve always got time for... 12) Snap, Crackle, Pop! 13) Maybe she’s born with it? Maybe it’s …. 14) 967-1111, call... 15) It will give you WINGS! 16) It keeps on going and going and going
Bounty Subway Tim Horton's Rice Krispies Maybelline Pizza, Pizza SLOGAN COMPANY ADVERTISING TO METHOD 9) The Quicker Picker Upper Bounty 10) Eat Fresh Subway 11) You’ve always got time for... Tim Horton's 12) Snap, Crackle, Pop! Rice Krispies 13) Maybe she’s born with it? Maybe it’s …. Maybelline 14) 967-1111, call... Pizza, Pizza 15) It will give you WINGS! Red Bull 16) It keeps on going and going and going Energizer
Some suggestions you should follow to create an effective logo and slogan. Start From The Logo If your brand doesn’t have a logo yet, you should get that done first. A slogan works with a logo in order to promote brand identity. A slogan doesn’t really work without a logo unless your sole advertising medium is radio. The logo is the chicken, the slogan is the egg. Remember that top brands change their slogans all the time. Make It Funny, If You Can Where you can bring humour to a slogan, do it. Keep It Simple A logo is only effective if your audience can understand it quickly. You only have a few seconds to impress, so a slogan like “the best in olfactory widgets since 1949″ isn’t going to do the trick. Simplicity is what you’re aiming for. Slogans absolutely cannot go over one sentence. Stay Honest and Don’t “Trump Up” Your Product Honesty is important. Can your business actually deliver on the promise that your slogan makes? If not, rethink the slogan. You’ll also want to stay away from slogans that incorporate language like “the best” or “#1 at what we do” because that kind of language is standard and boring. Without this magazine you will not feel & look fantastic for fall!
What makes a great Slogan? According to HowStuffWorks, a great slogan has most or all of the following characteristics: It's memorable. Is the slogan quickly recognizable? Will people only have to spend a second or two thinking about it? A brief but strong few words can go a long way in advertisements, videos, posters, business cards, swag, and other places. It includes a key benefit. Ever heard the marketing advice, "Sell the sizzle, not the steak"? It means sell the benefits, not the features -- which applies perfectly to slogans. A great slogan makes a company or product's benefits clear to the audience.
What makes a great Slogan? It differentiates the brand. Does your diet pop have the fullest flavor? Or maybe the fewest calories? What is it about your product or brand that sets it apart from competitors? It imparts positive feelings about the brand. The best taglines use words that are positive and upbeat. For example, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups' slogan, "Two great tastes that taste great together," gives the audience good feelings about Reese's, whereas a slogan like Lea & Perrins', "Steak sauce only a cow could hate," uses negative words. The former leaves a better impression on the audience.
FEEDBACK Use the following rubric to evaluate your work so far FEEDBACK Use the following rubric to evaluate your work so far. - Have you created a successful slogan and logo? - What suggestions can you make to improve your work? - What suggestions, using the criteria in the rubric, can you offer to your peers when providing them with feedback? Before submitting your final assignment, you must have feedback from at least two peers. You must also describe one change/ suggestion that you made to your slogan or logo.
Advertising Take Over MEDIA - Logo and Slogan Creation 1. Student will demonstrate an understanding of a variety of media texts. 3. Student will create a variety of media texts for different purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques. Student Name: Assignment Tasks LEVEL 1 & 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 1.1 Describe in detail how various media texts address their intended purpose and audience Student describes, with reasons, the purpose of the media and what the intended media text conveys. Student describes (including age, gender, economic, or social conditions that belong to the persons, or groups), the audience. Student describes in detail, with specific reasons, the purpose of the media and what the intended media text conveys. Student describes in detail (including age, gender, economic, or social conditions that belong to the persons, or groups), the audience. 1.4 Explain why different audiences might have different responses to a variety of media texts Student explains, (such as, age, gender, culture, etc.) who this media text does not appeal to. Student supports his/her explanation with an example. Student clearly explains, with details (such as, age, gender, culture, etc.) who this media text does not appeal to. Student supports his/her explanation with specific examples. 3.4 Produce a logo and slogan of some technical complexity for specific purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques Student follows some of the suggested criteria to produce a logo and slogan, appropriate for the audience. Student produces a logo and slogan with graphics, (with or without computers) and a somewhat coherent slogan appropriate for the brand/company and audience. Student follows the suggested criteria to produce a catchy logo and slogan, appropriate for the audience. Student produces a logo and slogan with clear and detailed graphics, (with or without computers) and a coherent slogan appropriate for the brand/company and audience. KADUK@2018