Crohn’s disease Austin Edson 6th hour
Crohn’s disease The cause for Crohn’s disease is still unknown. Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory problem and is located in the digestive system You are more likely to get Crohn’s disease if one of your relatives has it.
Information Crohn's disease, or ulcerative colitis, often occurs between the ages of 15 and 35, although disease the disease can occur at any age. It affects men and women equally There is no set culture that Crohn’s disease affects.
Symptoms Pain in the digestive track Constant diarrhea Unexplained weight loss Fever Abdominal pain and cramping Fatigue and a feeling of low energy Reduced appetite
What parts of the body are affected? Crohn’s disease affects the digestive system It most often affects the end of the small intestine and beginning of the colon, but it can affect any area of the GI tract. Causes swelling in the small intestine, causes pains, and frequent diarrhea.
The cause The cause is still unknown Although the exact causes are unknown, researchers believe Crohn’s disease is caused by a combination of factors involving genetics, the environment, and the immune system. It is not caused by something you ate.
Treatment Doctors treat Crohn's disease with medicines, bowel rest, and surgery. No single treatment works for everyone with Crohn's disease. The goals of treatment are to decrease the swelling and pain in the intestines.
Prevention Exercise often Avoid foods that give you problems or cause pain/diarrhea
Daily Life You will have occasional pains and flares. You may have diarrhea more than you are used to. You will have to know where a bathroom is at all times.
References TeensHealth/October 2017 J. Fernando del Rosario Crohn’s and Colitis /2016 Every Day Health/ management/avoid-crohns-flare-pictures/#05