CMSA Chicago CCM Testing Review/Refresher Class Saturday, November 3, 2018 Location: West Suburban Medical Center 3 Erie Court, Oak Park, IL 60302 Lower Level Conference Rooms This Review Course is offered as a step in preparation for the CCM examination. It focuses on the five major domains of essential knowledge typically required to provide case management interventions. Instructor: Nancy Skinner RN-BC, CCM, ACM-RN has served as a case manager, case management supervisor and national case management trainer and educator for 30 years. She currently serves as the Principal Consultant for Riverside HealthCare Consulting. Register no later than October 26, 2018 at 12 noon under Event Registration Members $50 Non members $250, includes 1 year membership to CMSA 8.0 RN, SW & CCM Credits, including Ethics applied for 0730-0800-Registration/Continental Breakfast 8am-5pm- Educational Program Lunch will be provided No guarantee for late registrants /walk-ins. No refunds/cancellations This program has been submitted to The Commission for Case Manager Certification for approval to provide board certified case managers with 8.0 clock hour. This program has been approved for 8.0 CE units for RNs and SWs by CMSA Chicago, licensed by IDFPR as CE Sponsor for RN and SW. License on file.