Capital Construction Project Director of Facilities Clifford Nooney
Capital Project Discussion and Approval Timeline Board Meetings February 11 – Information March 12 – Information/BOE & Community Q & A March 19 – Board Action
Facilities Committee Guiding Principles Keep all students SAFE Keep all students HEALTHY & COMFORTABLE Ensure all students are FUTURE-READY
Capital Construction Project Cost October 2018 Referendum $42.7 M Proposed Reductions -$12.1 M May 2019 Referendum $30.6 M Financed Amount $27.5 M* Estimated Median Homeowner Tax Impact October 2018 Referendum $103 May 2019 Referendum $65* *Note: $3,120,000 from the Capital Reserve Fund will be applied to lower the amount borrowed for the project.
Approach to Reducing the Project Scope Phase 1: Reduce costs through reengineering, redesign, or cost estimating adjustments Phase 2: Reduce costs by delaying or deferring needed work, in part or in full, into the future
Phase 1 - Cost Adjustments (-$2 Phase 1 - Cost Adjustments (-$2.5 million) The following changes to the original project scope are recommended to reduce costs through reengineering, redesign, cost estimating adjustments, or deferring improvements: Technology Infrastructure -$1,572,628 Phone System Replacement Districtwide -$529,872 Athletic Field Irrigation Tank Replacement -$161,314 Maintenance Building Fire Separation Breach -$7,332 FMS 1st Floor Unit Ventilator Replacement Air Conditioning -$175,979 Security Camera Replacement Districtwide -$391,065 AES Hot Water Heater Replacement -$29,330 Transportation Facility Underground Tank Dirt Separator -$17,598 Total Project Scope Cost Reductions -$2,885,118
Phase 1 - Cost Adjustments (-$2 Phase 1 - Cost Adjustments (-$2.5 million) Continued In addition, since the time the proposed project was recommended by the Facilities Committee in June, 2018, new facilities issues have emerged that are recommended for inclusion in the revised project scope: FMS Vinyl Asbestos Tile Removal +$241,971 Elementary Bathroom Door Lockset Replacement +$92,389 WES Hot Water Heater Natural Gas Line +$73,145 Total Project Scope Cost Additions +$407,500
Phase 2 - Project Scope Deferment (-$9.6 million) AES GES LES PES WES FMS GHS Elementary Playground Replacement F Elementary Classroom Casework Replacement Corridor Locker Replacement Boiler Replacement P Unit Ventilator Replacement Technology Education Lab Renovations Science Lab Renovations Former District Office Demolition Resurface Running Track West Tennis Court Replacement Wood Bleacher Replacement East Gym Locker Room Renovations Slab Settlement Issues F = Full Deferment P = Partial Deferment
District Wide Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Totals Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Totals Altamont Elementary $1,085,632 $328,864 $104,305 $1,518,801 Guilderland Elementary $1,028,989 $507,013 $156,458 $1,692,460 Lynnwood Elementary $1,354,749 $643,218 $2,154,425 Pine Bush Elementary $3,191,033 $321,422 $3,668,913 Westmere Elementary $1,571,272 $691,867 $2,419,597 Farnsworth Middle $6,290,473 $1,439,910 $668,162 $8,398,545 Guilderland High School $12,877,868 $2,371,255 $2,718,122 $17,967,246 Maintenance Bldg #3 $175,368 $0 Transportation Facility $2,245,132 Subtotal $29,820,516 $6,303,549 $4,116,421 $40,240,486 Additional Escalation -2021 Start $798,249 $128,110 $64,165 $990,524 Revised Total $30,618,764 $6,431,659 $4,180,586 $41,231,010
Recommended Expedited Project Scope Summer 2020 Phone Fire Alarm/PA Fuel System Security Film Bathrooms Locksets TOTAL Altamont Elementary $22,271 $184,974 $10,918 $19,227 $237,390 Guilderland Elementary $25,622 $291,126 $13,301 $16,965 $347,013 Lynnwood Elementary $24,784 $227,756 $10,556 $26,013 $289,109 Pine Bush Elementary $28,973 $273,746 $18,156 $11,310 $332,185 Westmere Elementary $28,764 $312,124 $22,168 $21,489 $384,544 Farnsworth Middle $65,940 $1,140,420 $39,057 $1,245,417 Guilderland High School $92,016 $1,352,248 $61,918 $1,506,181 Maintenance #3 - Office $6,912 Transportation Facility $11,170 $103,675 $896,700 $1,011,545 $5,360,296
Altamont Elementary SITE Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Remarks Replace failing concrete sidewalks- front entry 60,936 includes curb Playground Upgrades 150,000 Total Site $60,936 $150,000 $0 BUILDING & ENVELOPE Replace un-insulated steel windows at lower classroom wing and ramp corridor 266,700 Window replacement at 4 classrooms and 6 corridor windows Replace roofing -1999-2000 vintage roof areas 181,863 Re-finish wood floor at upper gymnasium 17,662 Replace casework @ 1952-wing classrooms 63,813 (5 to 6) classrooms with sinks Replace locksets on internal bathroom doors 18,698 17 locksets Security Film 10,617 Includes each door or storefront (door & sidelight) on the first floor up to 7’H Total Building and Envelope $495,539 $63,813
Altamont Elementary MECH/ELEC/PLUMBING SYSTEMS Priority 1 Priority 2 Remarks Replace telephone system with IP system 21,658 Replace clock system 28,157 Replace entire Fire Alarm system 179,883 Replace entire Public Address system w/fire alarm Provide emergency lighting with battery back-up, exit signage, replace exterior fixtures 43,995 Upgrade HVAC controllers and software 172,935 State Contract Vendor New security cameras 16,294 New - quantity of 4 Replace existing security camera 4,074 Replace 3 Total Mech/Elec/Plumbing Systems $466,995 $4,074 $0 TECHNOLOGY Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Remarks Replace projectors throughout building 7,149 Estimate qty. of (15) 6,673 Estimate qty. of (14) Infrastructure- WLAN - WAP 33,813 Infrastructure - LAN Switching 21,200 Classroom Tech/Functionality 104,305 Total Technology $62,162 $110,978 $104,305 BUILDING TOTAL $1,085,632 $328,864
Guilderland Elementary SITE Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Remarks Mill asphalt paving at remaining areas 178,343 Total Site $178,343 $0 BUILDING & ENVELOPE Re-finish wood floor at gymnasium & stage 25,150 Remove 1x1 ceiling system and install new suspended ceiling grid and tile system 63,484 (6) classrooms with 1x1 in poor condition are included, no ACM Replace casework @ 1955-wing classrooms 78,479 (7 classrooms) Replace locksets on internal bathroom doors 16,498 15 locksets Security Film 12,934 Includes each door or storefront (door & sidelight) on the first floor, up to 7’H Total Building & Envelope $118,067 $78,479
Guilderland Elementary MECH/ELEC/PLUMBING SYSTEMS Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Remarks Replace telephone system with IP system 24,917 Replace clock system 37,542 Replace entire Fire Alarm system 283,113 Provide emergency lighting with battery back-up, exit signage, replace exterior fixtures 43,995 Replace entire Public Address system w/fire alarm Replace remaining boiler 256,636 Upgrade HVAC controllers and software 243,390 State Contract Vendor New security cameras 16,294 New - quantity of 4 Replace existing security camera 5,431 Replace 4 Total Mech/Elec/Plumbing Systems $654,682 $262,067 $0 TECHNOLOGY Replace projectors throughout building 10,485 Estimate qty. of (22) 10,009 Estimate qty. of (21) Infrastructure- WLAN – WAP 46,212 Infrastructure - LAN Switching 21,200 Classroom Tech/Functionality 156,458 Total Technology $77,897 $166,467 $156,458 BUILDING TOTAL $1,028,989 $507,013
Lynnwood Elementary SITE Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Remarks Playground Upgrades 150,000 Total Site $0 $150,000 BUILDING & ENVELOPE Renovate/Reconfigure Nurse's suite (full area including toilet room) 147,843 Replace casework @ 1965-wing classrooms 111,575 (16) classrooms Replace locksets on internal bathroom doors 25,297 23 locksets Security Film 10,265 Includes each door or storefront (door&sidelight) on the first floor, up to 7’H Total Building and Envelope $183,405 $111,575 MECH/ELEC/PLUMBING SYSTEMS Replace telephone system with IP system 24,102 Replace clock system 35,196 Replace classroom plumbing fixtures, connect all domestic hot water to gas fired system 146,649 Replace entire Fire Alarm system 221,487 Replace entire Public Address system w/fire alarm Provide emergency lighting with battery back-up, exit signage, replace exterior fixtures 43,995 Replace (1) 1996-vintage boiler with condensing boiler 256,636
Lynnwood Elementary MECH/ELEC/PLUMBING SYSTEMS (Cont.) Priority 1 Remarks Replace unit ventilators in 1965 & 1967 classroom wings 228,772 211,174 13 unit ventilators Priority 1, 12 unit ventilators Priority 2 Upgrade HVAC controllers and software 124,652 State Contract Vendor New security cameras 16,294 New - quantity of 4 Replace existing security camera 6,789 Replace 5 5,431 Replace 4 Total Mech/Elec/Plumbing Systems $1,104,572 $216,606 $0 TECHNOLOGY Replace projectors throughout building 9,056 Estimate qty. of (19) 8,579 Estimate qty. of (18) Infrastructure- WLAN - WAP 36,517 Infrastucture - LAN Switching 21,200 Classroom Tech/Functionality 156,458 Total Technology $66,773 $165,037 $156,458 BUILDING TOTAL $1,354,749 $643,218
Pine Bush Elementary SITE Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Remarks Mill asphalt paving at east parking lot 238,671 Replace playground equipment 150,000 Total Site $238,671 $150,000 $0 BUILDING & ENVELOPE Replace 1994 vintage roofing at lower roof areas 1,748,231 Replace locksets on internal bathroom doors 10,999 10 locksets Security Film 17,657 Includes each door or storefront (door & sidelight) on the first floor up to 7’H Total Building & Envelope $1,776,886
Pine Bush Elementary MECH/ELEC/PLUMBING SYSTEMS Priority 1 Priority 2 Remarks Replace telephone system with IP system 28,176 Replace clock system 43,995 Replace unit ventilators in blue & red pods 439,947 20 ceiling mounted unit ventilators Replace entire Fire Alarm system 266,212 Replace entire Public Address system w/fire alarm Provide emergency lighting with battery back-up, exit signage and replace exterior fixtures Replace (1) boiler w/ condensing boiler 256,636 New security cameras 16,294 New - quantity of 4 Replace existing security camera 6,789 Replace 5 5,431 Replace 4 $1,102,042 $5,431 $0 TECHNOLOGY Replace projectors throughout building 10,009 Estimate qty. of (21) 9,532 Estimate qty. of (20) Infrastructure- WLAN - WAP 42,225 Infrastucture - LAN Switching 21,200 Classroom Tech/Functionality 156,458 $73,434 $165,990 $156,458 BUILDING TOTAL $3,191,033 $321,422
Westmere Elementary BUILDING & ENVELOPE Priority 1 Priority 2 Remarks Replace un-insulated steel windows at connector corridor and custodian's room 71,623 Courtyard windows near media center (corridor) and Custodial windows adjacent to gym. Replace remaining areas of VAT flooring 86,303 Re-finish wood floor at front gym and stage 25,253 Remove 1x1 ceiling system and install new suspended ceiling grid and tile system 122,356 (11) classrooms with 1x1 in poor condition are included, excludes abatement, lighting replacement & grille replacement Replace metal corridor lockers in poor condition 133,450 Replace casework @ 1952 & 1954-wing classrooms 128,930 (11) classrooms Replace locksets on internal bathroom doors 20,897 19 locksets Door replacement 14,665 1 pair FRP exterior door Security Film 21,557 Includes each door or storefront (door & sidelight) on the first floor, up to 7’H Total Building & Envelope $362,655 $262,381 $0
Westmere Elementary MECH/ELEC/PLUMBING SYSTEMS Priority 1 Priority 2 Remarks Replace telephone system with IP system 27,972 Replace clock system 43,408 Replace entire Fire Alarm system 303,534 Replace entire Public Address system w/ fire alarm Provide emergency lighting with battery back-up, exit signage, replace exterior fixtures 43,995 Replace oil-fired hot water heater with a gas-fired water heater 102,475 includes 590' gas run from mechanical room partial Replace plumbing supply piping in tunnels with overhead piping 191,641 Replace 1952/1954 plumbing fixtures 146,649 Replace remaining boiler w/ condensing boiler 256,636 Upgrade HVAC controllers and software 249,795 State Contract Vendor New security cameras 16,294 New - quantity of 4 Replace existing security camera 5,431 Replace 4 Total Mech/Elec/Plumbing Systems $1,131,193 $262,067 $0 TECHNOLOGY Replace projectors throughout building 10,962 Estimate qty. of (23) Infrastructure- WLAN - WAP 45,261 Infrastructure - LAN Switching 21,200 Classroom Tech/Functionality 156,458 Total Technology $77,423 $167,420 $156,458 BUILDING TOTAL $1,571,272 $691,867
Farnsworth Middle School SITE Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Remarks Mill asphalt paving at rear parking lot 302,390 Mill asphalt paving at front parking lot Replace failing concrete sidewalk by Hiawatha wing & front entry 21,997 Demolish existing District Office building 134,184 Total Site $324,387 $134,184 $0 BUILDING & ENVELOPE Replace remaining exterior soffits around gymnasium area 73,086 Replace areas of VAT flooring 241,971 Replace elevator 219,973 Replace roof @ half of building (circular building & adjacent areas) 956,884 Approx. 32,625 sq.ft. Renovate (2) Tech Production Labs 151,673 Approx. 1,753 sq.ft. Replace gym floor and replace wall pads 431,192 Approx 6,600 sq. ft. assumes abatement Refinish two gym floor areas 36,653 Approx 7,141 sq. ft. Renovate (6) Science Lab Classrooms 866,949 433,475 Approx. 6,334 sq.ft. (4 labs in Priority 2, 2 labs in Priority 3) Security Film 37,982 Includes each door or storefront (door & sidelight) on the first floor, up to 7’H Total Building & Envelope $1,997,740 $1,018,622 $433,475
Farnsworth Middle School MECH/ELEC/PLUMBING SYSTEMS Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Remarks Replace telephone system with IP system 64,125 Replace entire Fire Alarm system 1,109,032 Replace entire Public Address system w/fire alarm Replace 1968 vintage plumbing fixtures and branch domestic water piping 439,947 70 water closets, 34 lavatories and associated branch domestic water piping Replace 2 of 3 boilers with condensing boilers or hybrid system 513,271 Replace water chiller 131,984 Replace unit ventilators, unit heaters and fin tube radiation nearing end of useful life, ventilation upgrades 1,091,068 Approx. (60) UVs and (16) Uhs w/ DDC- no AC Premium to add air conditioning to 30 of the unit ventilators being replaced includes second floor only 175,979 New security cameras 36,662 New - quantity of 9 Replace existing security camera 28,515 Replace 21 27,157 Replace 20 Replace or Line 24" Storm Pipe 104,732 Approx. 305' Total Mech/Elec/Plumbing Systems $3,695,314 $27,157 $0
Farnsworth Middle School TECHNOLOGY Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Remarks Replace projectors throughout building 25,737 Estimate qty. of (54) 25,260 Estimate qty. of (53) Technology automated back-up power- using UPS system 173,094 Infrastructure- WLAN - WAP 21,200 Infrastucture - LAN Switching 53,000 Classroom Tech/Functionality 234,687 Total Technology $273,031 $259,947 $234,687 BUILDING TOTAL $6,290,473 $1,439,910 $668,162
Guilderland High School SITE Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Remarks Mill asphalt paving at front bus loop/parking lot 686,977 Replace asphalt paving at front student parking lot 272,767 Resurface running track 249,303 no drainage, sports equipment or subbase replacement Replace asphalt underlayment during track resurface 209,708 Repair/patch tennis courts 234,638 Renovate west tennis courts - costs from repair/patch need to be included in value 601,260 Total Site $1,443,685 $810,968 $0
Guilderland High School BUILDING & ENVELOPE Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Remarks Replace un-insulated steel windows 293,297 Replacement at 12 classrooms Replace VCT flooring in corridors and LGI 177,203 Primarily 1998 corridors Replace wood bleachers in 1953 gym 175,979 Replace roof areas (1998-2000 vintages) 1,523,682 East gym locker replacement and upgrades to the shower, toilet rooms and semi-private changing areas. 467,005 Additional renovations to east gym locker rooms (boys & girls, including team rooms- re-configure w/ new finishes) 2,379,125 Approx. 8,250 sq. ft. Renovate (12) Science Lab Classrooms 2,864,273 Approx. 13,470 sq. ft. Replace the existing elevator 241,971 Rehabilitate west gymnasium bleachers 146,649 new motors/tracks Isolated slab demo/rework at settlement areas East side of Corridor D1 560,199 More expansive slab demo/rework in the adjacent classooms 458,014 Security Film 60,214 Includes each door or storefront (door & sidelight) on the first floor, up to 7’H Total Building & Envelope $6,334,492 $633,992 $2,379,125
Guilderland High School MECH/ELEC/PLUMBING SYSTEMS Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Remarks Replace telephone system with IP system 89,483 Replace entire Fire Alarm system 1,315,030 Replace entire Public Address system w/fire alarm Replace remnants of domestic water main piping in all portions of the building 689,365 Replace(1)1998-vintage boiler in boiler rm C 256,636 Replace(1)1998-vintage boiler in boiler rms A & B 513,271 Replace 1997/1998-vintage HVAC equipment throughout with updated controls 1,393,164 Approximately 88 UVs and 12 UHs Replace compressorized equipment of 1997 vintage and earlier 733,244 Including C2 Nurse's Suite, D1 & C1 Offices, D3 media center, as well as coil and piping replacements at misc. spaces including computer lab, main office and E3 gym. New security cameras 28,515 New - quantity of 7 Replace existing security camera 43,452 Replace 32 42,094 Replace 31 Repair/Replace failing sewer piping 259,569 Total Mech/Elec/Plumbing Systems $4,808,457 $555,365 $0
Guilderland High School TECHNOLOGY Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Remarks Replace projectors throughout building 32,409 Estimate qty. of (68) 31,933 Estimate qty. of (67) Technology automated back-up power 73,324 Infrastructure- WLAN - WAP 106,000 Infrastucture - LAN Switching 79,500 Classroom Tech/Functionality 338,997 Total Technology $291,234 $370,930 $338,997 BUILDING TOTAL $12,877,868 $2,371,255 $2,718,122
Maintenance Building #3 BUILDING & ENVELOPE Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Remarks Replace exterior wood soffit 36,662 Total Building & Envelope $36,662 $0 MECH/ELEC/PLUMBING SYSTEMS Replace tank serving HS field irrigation system 131,984 Remove horizontal 8' diameter, 18' long tank and replace with three vertical 5'4" diameter, 12' tall tanks and one vertical 5'4" diameter, 9' tall tanks Replace Phone System Infrastructure 6,721 Total Mech/Elec/Plumbing Systems $138,705 BUILDING TOTAL $175,368
Transportation SITE Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Remarks Replace asphalt paving at all areas not replaced in last Capital Project 618,806 Includes entire site, around MB2 & MB3 also Replace failing concrete sidewalks 49,274 Total Site $668,080 $0 BUILDING & ENVELOPE Replace VCT flooring 18,734 Driver reception, dispatch and lounge Replace Inground Lifts 439,947 3 lifts Total Building & Envelope $458,681 MECH/ELEC/PLUMBING SYSTEMS Replace entire Fire Alarm system 100,821 Upgrade/replace suppression system at fuel island, provide controls, alarm and storage tanks and sump repairs 512,400 Provide freeze protection on HV-2 36,662 Fuel system / software & controls 384,300 Replace Phone System Infrastructure 10,863 Replace oil/water separator 73,324 anticipated 3,000 gallon capacity. Total Mech/Elec/Plumbing Systems $1,118,371 BUILDING TOTAL $2,245,132
Capital Construction Project Cost October 2018 Referendum $42.7 M Proposed Reductions -$12.1 M May 2019 Referendum $30.6 M Financed Amount $27.5 M* Estimated Median Homeowner Tax Impact October 2018 Referendum $103 May 2019 Referendum $65* *Note: $3,120,000 from the Capital Reserve Fund will be applied to lower the amount borrowed for the project.