Third Sunday after Epiphany Welcome to Worship! Third Sunday after Epiphany A candle in remembrance of a loved one
Please join us for Holy Communion! Welcome to the Lutheran Church of our Saviour! You need not be Lutheran nor a member of this congregation. All are invited to join us at God’s Table. Gluten-free bread and grape-juice are also available.
Today’s Psalm Our Psalm for today is Psalm 62: 5 - 12 We will be singing the Psalm responsively by whole verse.
Music by Natalie Sleeth CHOIR ANTHEM ‘GO INTO THE WORLD’ The text for this Anthem is adapted from Matthew 28: 19 - 20 The Great Commission Music by Natalie Sleeth
Communing Order The Choir will commune with the Ushers and Greeters Communing Order The Choir will commune with the Ushers and Greeters. The Lamb of God will be sung as the Choir approaches the Altar. After the Choir, Ushers and Greeters have communed, the Ushers and Greeters will direct the Congregation as always, from front to rear.
Conversations of Faith will continue Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018. An informal discussion of Spiritual Quest. ‘Reclaiming the ‘L’ Word’ A Lenten Study of Mission
The Annual General Congregational Meeting (AGM) will be held on Sunday, January 28th, following Worship.
ACM Potluck Luncheon We will be having a potluck luncheon prior to the ACM on January 28th. A sign-up sheet is available in the Narthex.
Shrove Pancake Supper Tuesday February 13 5:30 p.m. All are welcome Lutheran Church of Our Saviour 1049 Fourth Ave. West Free-will offering assists LCOS youth programs All are welcome There’ll be sausages too
Vacation Bible Camp Session 1: July 9 – 13 (ages 5 -10) Email to receive updates
Sign-Up sheet in the Narthex requesting Helpers for Coffee Hour. Please see the 2018 Sign-Up sheet in the Narthex requesting Helpers for Coffee Hour.
Volunteer Volunteer Worship help needed: Liturgical Assistants Sacramental Assistants Lectors Greeters Service Recorders Ushers & Greeters Interested? Speak to Pastor Chris
The Witness Committee members are collecting eye glasses and plastic milk bags for Third World Missions and the homeless. Boxes are available in the Narthex for collection.
Also in the Narthex is a collection box for the distribution of evangelical literature through the Christian Salvage Mission….Please donate.
For details, please speak to either Gloria Pfeffer or Don Statham