Session 2a It Will Pass/Right Now
FIZZ Scales
Positive Self-Talk Although we can’t always change the situation we find ourselves in, how we respond to the situation is still our choice. If we can change how we think about a situation we can enjoy a more positive experience of the present
Sometimes the best choice is to keep going and just get through a period of time. Lærdal Tunnel
Positive Self Talk It Will Pass “it will pass” Emotions ebb and flow - they do not last forever When we feel ourselves becoming very emotional / high on our FIZZ scale a useful strategy is to repeat “it will pass”
Real Life Examples
Grounding Right Now After we have told ourselves “It will pass”, we can use the Right Now grounding technique to change what we are focussing on. When we are high on our FIZZ scales, we should use Right Now to redirect our attention away from what troubles us.
Right Now 5 things I can see right now 4 things I can hear right now 3 things I can touch right now 2 things I can smell right now 1 deep breath – focus on your breathing You can swap these out as you want
When your FIZZ rises
Session 2b Name the Emotion/ Opposite Actions
Importance It is normal to feel a range of emotions - sometimes simultaneously. When we are distressed our brains can feel like they have been hijacked. That hijack is due to a cocktail of hormones that have been released. These hormones can make it hard to respond rationally. If we know and understand the process, the emotion and the message the emotion wants us to focus on we are better able to choose a positive reaction
Importance Next time you feel an emotion that is unpleasant and generating a negative physical and behavioural response…..STOPP - name it, then decide how to respond, rather than acting on impulse. E.g. When we feel angry, although we can argue, shout or fight, if we can STOPP, recognise the emotion, consider what specifically we are angry about, we are better able to choose a response that won’t end up with us or anyone getting hurt.
Emotional Charades joy anger sadness fear
I am Feeling….? Sad Guilty Annoyed Angry Delighted Happy Excited Hurt Proud Confused I’m Thinking…? Its not fair / unjust I’m in danger (losing your love / respect) It’s hopeless I’m getting my needs Met / Content Body Reactions? Fight / Attack Giggle / Hug Escape / Avoid Withdraw / Isolate Behaviours? Fight / run /argue, shout# generosity / give / share avoid, ignore, run away do less, cry, stay home, ruminate
Opposite Actions When we feel the FIZZ, physical sensations can prompt us to react – our reactions can be impulsive and often they will have negative results. Once we recognise the emotion and learn our typical reactions, we can STOPP and consider how acting in an opposite way might be.
Opposite Actions action reaction Stay at home? Scream? Hide? Attack? Isolate myself? Cry? Comfort eat?
Opposites Shouting Hating Feeling jealous Feeling embarrassed
Be kind / gently withdraw Emotion Action (Old Urge) Opposite Action Anger Attack Be kind / gently withdraw Shame Hide Be Open Fear Avoid / Run away Assess, plan, approach and go Sadness Withdraw / Isolate Go out, do something and be with others
Session 2b Name the Emotion/ Opposite Actions