How to Complete an Annual Report Form 110 Click to add notes
First Step… Don’t Panic
Before we Begin: Materials 1. Record of Dues book– which holds your record of dues sheets on each Daughter (Form 142) 2. Last year’s Annual Report forms 3. Membership List provided by SGC 4. List of Daughters that joined during Jan-Dec 2016 5. List of Daughters that reached Majority during Jan-Dec 2016 6. List of Daughters removed and reasons why for 2016 7. Banking information 8. Bethel Seal
First Page: Step One USE PRIOR YEAR Section 1: Even though you are filing in 2017, your information is a report on 2016 activity.
Step Two Jan-June June-Dec
Suggested: Guardian Treasurer/Guardian Secretary/Bethel Guardian Step Three Total for Year US ONLY As of 12/31/16 Suggested: Guardian Treasurer/Guardian Secretary/Bethel Guardian
Step Four Signatures and Dates Bethel Meeting Info- VERY important for Supreme Website Signatures and Dates Don’t forget the Bethel seal!
Hang in There: page one is done
Second Page: Step One List all NEW Daughters for the year. Don’t forget birthday. Then list the date of initiation, place an (x) in the appropriate category and total each column Number must match provided membership list Masonic Relationship refers to only those Daughters joining based on a relationship and Sponsored refers to those that are joining by the status of a sponsor. You must mark one OR the other Totals
IMPORTANT: Change Membership List 100 IN Banks Elizabeth 210 Coin St. Clinton IN 47842 USA A 2/14/99 5/4/09 False 100 IN Sutton Marybeth 116 L St. Brazil IN 47834 USA A 7/23/01 2/15/16 True 100 IN Stone Emma 111 Martin Cir. Bedford IN 47421 USA A 4/27/06 6/26/16 False Mark changes on Membership List. Elizabeth has affiliated and is a Dual Member from Bethel # 93. Marybeth and Emma were initiated. Please include ALL known information for the Supreme Office membership database. 5/23/16 #93 IN Dual Member
Always include reason if known Step Two Always include reason if known Date of action Totals
IMPORTANT: Change Membership List 2/23/16 12/17/16 Mark changes on Membership List. Miranda and Priscilla reached Majority and Beyoncé did not pay her dues, so she was suspended at the end of the term. 12/31/16 Nonpayment
Step Three Fee Chart on Next Slide Total # of members after additions/deductions (Must match total # on membership list.) 12.90 11.96 19.71 Fee Chart on Next Slide
Fee Chart
NEEDS TO BE RECEIVED BY JANUARY 31st, 2017 You’re Done! Send in: Check Report Updated Membership List NEEDS TO BE RECEIVED BY JANUARY 31st, 2017 Send to: Supreme Office (If a Bethel Under Supreme) 233 W. 6th Street Papillion, NE 68046 Grand Secretary (If in a GGC Jurisdiction) OR
Questions? If you have any questions, contact your Grand Secretary or the Supreme Guardian Council Office at: 402-592-7987