th th voiced (digraph) th unvoiced (digraph) the as in breathe(digraph)
thermal thankful theory Word Lists R 1 2 3 4 5 6 thin think thong thing thick thrill thirsty thought threw thumb thigh bathtub toothache toothbrushtoothpaste thirst theatre therapy healthy thoughtful thousand thunder bathmat truthful teeth thermometer thimble thunderstorm authentic breathe bathe feather weather leather sun bathe thermal thankful theory sleuth thirteen thirty fourth myth bothersome withdraw theologian pathetic sympathy brotherly thyroid weatherman weatherproof empathy thumbtack amphitheatre anaesthesia authenticity thermodynamic thermite unclothe theorist thermionic thiazine thunderous
th thin think thong thing thick
Handwriting 12/8/15 th th th th thin thing think 1. I saw a hairy ____ . 2. I ____ that I can fly. 3. The ____ cat was hungry.
thin say spell THIN to be skinny th-i-n = 3 thin = 1 sounds syllables
think th-i-n-k = 4 THINK think = 1 say spell to have an idea sounds syllables
thong th-o-ng = 3 THONG thong= 1 say spell a type of sandal sounds syllables
a creature that cannot be named thing say spell THING a creature that cannot be named th-i-ng = 3 thing = 1 sounds syllables
thick th-i-ck = 3 THICK thick = 1 say spell to be wide sounds syllables
th to have an idea to be skinny a creature that cannot be named a type of sandal to be wide