Nutrition and Your Health Chapter 5 Mr. Martin
Nutrition During the Teen Years You’ll learn to: Explain the relationship between nutrition, quality of life, and disease. Evaluate various influences on food choices. Explain the immediate and long term benefits of nutrition on body systems.
Vocabulary Nutrition Calories Nutrients Hunger Appetite
Nutrition During the Teen Years Nutrition process by which the body takes in and uses food.
Importance of Good Nutrition Helps prevent disease Helps body function properly Helps body grow Helps you look your best Provides the body with high octane fuel
Calories & Nutrients Calories are the unit of heat that measure the energy used by and the energy that foods supply to the body. Nutrients are the substance in food that your body needs to grow, to repair itself, and to supply you with energy.
What Influences Your Food Choices? Hunger Food Appetite Emotions Environment Family, friends, peers Cultural and ethnic background Convenience and cost advertising
Hunger & Appetite Hunger is an unlearned, inborn response, natural drive that protects you from starvation. Appetite is a desire, rather than a need, to eat.
Why We Eat Some foods taste so good that we just like to eat it. Some people eat more when they are stressed, frustrated, depressed, or when they are bored. Teens talk about Nutrition Teen Nutrition