MBS538 Organisational Behaviour and Management Module 1:MANAGING IN TODAY’S GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT S1 – What is Management & Organisational Behaviour? and S2 – What are the Challenges for Managers?
What are the Challenges for Managers? The environment of all organisations is changing at an unprecedented rate. People work in different ways and in different places than in the past, the workplace is increasingly diverse, ethical challenges are a constant issue, and globalisation is commonplace. Understanding and addressing the environment of a business is no longer restricted to that of top management. Today, the challenges of operating in today’s global environment are permeating the whole organisation.
S2 – Challenges for Managers
Learning Outcomes Categorise preferred learning style and assess application Analyse factors that affect organisations competing in the global economy Explain how cultural differences form the basis of work-related attitudes Distinguish challenges and positive influences that diversity brings to today’s business environment Discuss the role of ethics in today’s organisation and explain managers’ ethical dilemmas
Ways of Learning
What sort of learner are you? In your group, discuss what methods you can use to get the most out of your learning style to be successful learners
Globalisation Diversity Ethics Three Challenges Globalisation Diversity Ethics
Hofstede’s Dimensions of Cultural Differences
Understanding Cultural Differences Individualism – a cultural orientation in which people belong to loose social frameworks; primary concern for self and family Collectivism – a cultural orientation in which individuals belong to tightly knit social frameworks; depend on large extended families or clans Power distance – the degree to which a culture accepts unequal distribution of power Uncertainty avoidance – the degree to which a culture tolerates ambiguity and uncertainty
Understanding Cultural Differences Masculinity – the cultural orientation in which assertiveness and materialism are valued Femininity – the cultural orientation in which relationships and concern for others are valued Time orientation – whether a culture’s values are oriented toward the future (long-term orientation) or toward the past and present (short-term orientation)
Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions
Hofstede’s Application In a group discuss how Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension scale applies to the countries of your group members and assess L, M, H for each category.
Diversity Ability Age Culture Gender Personality Religion All forms of individual differences: Ability Age Culture Gender Personality Religion Sexual orientation Social status
Benefits and Problems of Diversity
Ethical Theories Consequential theory Emphasises the consequences or results of behaviour Consequential theory Emphasises the character of the act rather than its effects Rule-based theory Emphasises the character, personal virtues, and intent of the individual Character theory
Organisational Ethical Dilemmas Discuss some ethical issues facing today’s organisations in the areas of Employee rights Sexual harassment Organisational justice Whistle-blowing Corporate social responsibility
Codes of ethics must be anchored in a moral and ethical framework Individual codes Professional oaths Organisational credos
Lost in Translation
Lost in Translation While watching this sequence, pretend you have arrived in Tokyo, and you are experiencing what you are seeing. Do you understand everything you see? Is Charlotte bewildered by her experiences? Is she experiencing a culture shock? What aspects of Japanese culture appear in this sequence? What do you see as important values of Japanese culture? Review Chapter 2 section, "Cultural Differences," to gain some insights about these questions.
Case Study
Netflix Discussion Questions Briefly describe each of the four major challenges that Netflix faces. Which of these four challenges will be the most difficult to address? Why? Which challenge will be the easiest to address? Why? How do each of the four major challenges faced by Netflix relate to the generic managerial challenges of dealing with globalisation, diversity, and ethics? Explain how Netflix already has or might be able to convert the four major challenges into meaningful opportunities for the company. What advice would you give to Reed Hastings regarding handling the pushback from competitors and other affected businesses?
Summary Social and political chances and cultural differences Factors that affect organisations competing in the global economy are: Social and political chances and cultural differences Five dimensions of cultural differences are: individualism vs collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity versus femininity, and time orientation Diversity makes the firm more popular and innovative but can lead to interpersonal conflicts and frictional environment
Summary Employee rights Sexual harassment Organisational justice Theories of ethics - consequential, rule-based, and character Ethical dilemmas can be in the form of: Employee rights Sexual harassment Organisational justice Whistle blowing Social responsibility and code of ethics