Quantitative Research Design A research design is the set of methods and procedures used in collecting and analyzing measures of the variables specified in the research problem research.
Resource:Dr. Omid Mazandaran
Three type of educational designs
Non-experimental Research Design. Reason- for using non-experimental design Most studies involving human subjects, including midwifery and nursing studies are non-experimental design. A vast number of human characteristics are inherently not subject to experimental manipulation (e.g., blood type, personality, health beliefs, medical diagnosis, and etc….), and also it could not be manipulated ethically.
Example If we would like to study the effect of good left position& oxygenation on fetal distress at labor women. It would be unethical to provide such care to one group of labor women while depriving a second group.
Characteristics of experimental Design a- Manipulation: The researcher manipulates the independent variable and observe the effect on the dependent-variable by administering treatment or intervention to some subjects and withholding it from others. b. Control: the term control group refers to a group of subjects whose performance on a dependent variable is used to evaluate the performance of the experimental or treatment group.
C-Randomization: randomization also called random assignment involves placing subjects in groups at random. Random essentially means that every subject has an equal chance of being assigned to any group. If the subjects are placed in groups randomly, there is no systematic bias.
It is the most powerful method available for establishing of cause and effect relationships between variables. Limitations of Experimental Design In many cases Experiments may be unethical because they may expose subjects to serious physical or mental harm and they become impractical if the cause effect relationship is one that takes a long time to appear.
What are the steps in conducting experimental research?
2. Quasi- Experimental design: it is like true experimental design involves intervention (manipulation of independent variable), and control, but lack of randomization. Strengths of Quasi- Experimental Design . Practical, . It can be used when experimental design is not possible. Limitations of Quasi- Experimental Design . Lack of Randomization.
Disadvantages of cross-sectional design Advantage of cross- sectional design 1. practical. 2. Easy to do. 3. Economical. Disadvantages of cross-sectional design the result of cross- sectional may be due to time passing.
Longitudinal Design: A study in which data are collected at more than one point in time over an extended period.
Longitudinal Design: A study in which data are collected at more than one point in time over an extended period. Example: Suppose we wanted to study out come of new midwifery curriculum in midwifery students through a four year baccalaureate program. One way to investigate this would be to gather data from students every year until they graduate & compare it with previous graduated with old curriculum.