Science Network 30th November 2016
Today’s agenda Welcome and introductions Action planning and outcomes Science at Cranbrook Primary School Recording to support evidence and reasoning Feedback from Barking and Dagenham Science Conference Actions from meeting Dates and venues of future meetings
Determine strategic focus The Action Research Process Determine strategic focus Read and review Define the question Make a plan Collect baseline data Carry out the plan Evaluate the impact Share findings
The changes piloted Building the skills and independence of children in scientific enquiry Argument, negotiation and explanation by children in science To be underpinned by increasing teacher confidence and subject knowledge.
Action Planning What do you want to achieve in science for your school this year? In groups of 3, share your action plans: Are the changes deliverable? How will they be supported? What outcomes are you aiming for?
What outcomes do we want for the whole network? Spreading best practice and providing support to each other Provision of tailored CPD Boosting outcomes for vulnerable groups Recording to support and evidence reasoning (linking conclusions to the data) Building up a stock of resources for progression – from EYFS onwards
Science at Cranbrook Primary School What did you see that you liked? What evidence was there that improvements have been made? What questions do you have? What suggestions do you have for future development?
Dates and venues for this year Agreeing dates and venues for meetings (all 1.30 – 4.30pm) Wednesday 25th January 2017 - Redbridge Wednesday 22nd March 2017 - Highlands Wednesday 17th May 2017 - Gearies Wednesday 21st June 2017 - Eastbury