WFD, Common Implementation Strategy Water Scarcity and Droughts Expert Network Brussels, July 2, 2009
Welcome by the chairs (IT, ES, FR, CE) Summary of latest achievements and activities V World Water Forum
V World Water Forum: results The EN contributed to the WS&D chapter within the European Regional Report. Available at: European Regional Session on March 17th addressed the issue Facing water scarcity and droughts challenges Official session on March 16th 1.1.5 Running dry! How to turn droughts into opportunities for better management . Visions from Europe, US, South America, and Turkey. 400 people attended.
Future role of the Network CIS 2010-2012 Objectives and justification for the activity Continuation of Communication recommendations follow-ups. Establishment and implementation of common indicators and Drought Risk Maps: identifying and preventing droughts or water scarcity, applying specific measures based on Drought Management Plans (DMPs), … Water Scarcity and Drought section to be further developed under WISE. Contributions: to the development of an early warning system based on JRC pilot project and, to the establishment of a European Observatory.
Year 2010: Elaboration of a first set of indicators Development of the Water Scarcity and Droughts section under WISE. Contributions to the development of an early warning system and the European Observatory. Year 2011: Practical implementation of Water Scarcity and Drought indicators system. Year 2012: Development of Drought Risk Maps and assessment.
How will products be disseminated? EEA/MS/CE reports, workshops and conferences. Other organisation issues if relevant Only an Expert Network with MS, CE, NGO’s and other main interested parties participation (no indicators core-group needed)
Water scarcity and Droughts Indicators EEA presentation on the water resource report (launched at the 5 WWF). PPT Follow-up of EEA works on WS&D indicators (EEA, CE). PPT Opinions and recommendations to WS&D indicators (EN members)
Water Scarcity and Drought link to Climate Change Summary of Climate Change WG Guidance document objectives (CE) “Drought Management and Water Scarcity Adaptation” Chapter’s objective (ES) and discussion (EN members)
Drought Management and Water Scarcity Adaptation MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT, AND RURAL AND MARINE AFFAIRS DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR WATER Guidance: How to adapt to climate change with regard to water issues and EU water legislation CHAPTER 7 : Drought Management and Water Scarcity Adaptation 9
Chapter outline MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT, AND RURAL AND MARINE AFFAIRS DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR WATER Introduction: Climate change in regions exposed to drought and water scarcity. (will be summarized, focus on specificities from areas presenting water scarcity and droughts) Links between drought and water scarcity Climate change projections Policy and legislation Link to Water Framework Directive Methodology of analysis (there will be a specific chapter on models) Climate change scenarios for water resources in arid/semiarid regions (will be addressed in different chapters). Analysis of extremes: drought frequency, duration, magnitude and intensity Impacts in water scarcity areas (will be summarized) Direct impacts in natural systems Impacts on water availability Adaptation (will be summarized) Adaptation measures in RBMPs Coordination with other policies Institutional reinforcement Program of measures Monitorization and indicators Drought-specific measures 10
Next steps Meeting of chapters coordinators on June 26 Due dates MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT, AND RURAL AND MARINE AFFAIRS DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR WATER Meeting of chapters coordinators on June 26 Due dates 10 July: a reduced/updated version 15 August: new due date for comments from the WS&D Expert Network (a consultant will coordinate the editing of the chapters and revision of consolidated guidance document). Beginning September: Consolidated version of the guidance Objective: approval of guidance during the WD meeting Nov/Dec Examples welcome! Measures efficiency, decision-taking: interconnection of water systems, public supply guarantee, distribution works… 11
Presentations/announcements on drought events or related issues: EU Members. UK Drought Conference proceedings, April 2009 PPT? European conference on Climate change and WFD Paris ( Tentatively 22 and 23 October 2009) International WS&D and climate change Conference, Madrid, February 2010
In 11-12 February 2010, under ES Presidency, an International Conference will be organised in Madrid: Droughts and Water Scarcity: “The way towards adaptation to climate change” Topics: Drought management , Technology and droughts, Droughts and climate change, Impacts on water resources in the European Union, Drought and water scarcity situations management Collaboration from the CE A technical committee is being created (Australia, USA, Hungary, France, Portugal...)
AOB and Conclusions