KVI Change Management Survey Feedback October 2018
KVI Change Management Survey – October 2018 18 responses compared to 9 received in July 2018 KVI achieved against our target of 90% rated as ‘Always’ or ‘Usually’: July 82.2% October 67.8% 5 reviewers provided further comments on the Change management process – see following slides Where the feedback was not provided anonymously, the reviewer has acknowledged and approved the Xoserve response Next KVI Change Management Survey due to be issued January 2019 – Please can we encourage you take this opportunity to provide your feedback to let us know how we are getting on – positive or constructive – All is appreciated!
Individual question responses July vs October I receive timely and fit for purpose information to enable me to manage new changes that impact my organisation Xoserve presents a range of solution options for each change to enable choice I trust Xoserve to identify solutions that benefit the whole Industry where possible Xoserve supports the ability for me to fully engage me in the change process, should I choose to I trust Xoserve to deliver changes to agreed costs, timescales and quality July (9) October (18)
Key Feedback Received All in all a great improvement to the change process, its come a long way since January 2018 Need to be better balance with volume of communications and reduction in number of issues (not necessarily changes but issues can produce changes) Change register needs to be improved to help customers to track overall changes through DSC governance Consistency of information between Xoserve and Joint Office must be improved. Xoserve does not always give a range of solution options nor a clear indication of funding for those solutions.
You said – We did You Said We Did There needs to be a better balance with the volume of communication also a reduction in the number of issues which are happening (not necessarily change but changes need to be made to fix the issues). The change process has come along way in since January, especially with the introduction of the capture process, it switched around the process which saw customers getting a better idea on the detail for deliverables. R2 and R3 releases have been decisions made on the wire rather than with plenty of time, this needs to be worked on but compared to last year when the process was really complicated and didn't deliver customer needs it is a simpler planning issue to resolve. We are not sure that a 'range' of solutions are always given, but we would prefer appropriate options are given over a range (too much choice takes longer to design and deliver). All in all it is great improvement to the change process and with the lessons learned through delivery of a couple more major releases we feel the process will become more seamless. Alison Cross (Xoserve) met with the customer who provided the feedback to discuss it in more detail. More detailed feedback on Issue management and communication of issues was discussed and noted which has been passed onto the issue management team. It is good to receive acknowledgement of the improvements seen since January particularly the introduction of capture mid-year. We will continue to implement further improvements and encourage customer feedback to help us focus on key actions. In respect of R2 and R3 releases these were scoped at the back end of the transitional period between old and new change process. Earlier engagement is now in place for future releases - November 2019 release has being discussed in October/November 2018. Xoserve have completed analysis of how many solution options have been presented to DSG for their recommendation for each change - the average being 3 - but some changes have had as many as 6 options. We will continue to work with our customers to define solution options for all future changes. Thank you for the positive comments on the improvements we have made so far. We have a number of actions planned next year to continue to try to make the process easier for our customers.
You said – We did You Said We Did change briefings tend to consist of ludicrously long powerpoint slides or difficult to understand presentations. you need to provide more succinct briefings, that are clear and focused, so those of us that are just 'dipping in' occassionally to keep a watching brief can more easily identify relevant information. Your meeting minutes tend to only list change reference numbers, not titles, which makes it difficult if you haven't memorised every change reference! Alison Cross (Xoserve) met with the customer who provided the feedback to discuss it in more detail. It was acknowledged that the change process was not always easy to engage with when a customer is just 'dipping in' occasionally. Xoserve will looking into ways to make the long slide packs easier to navigate for individual changes. We are also due to launch a new Xoserve.com in the new year which will hold all Change proposals and their current status along with a new simplified change register that will help to more easily identify changes that will impact an organisation. In addition Xoserve now holds Customer awareness sessions for each Release which provide a high level overview of the changes due to be implemented - this is augmented by Release Circulars published on Xoserve.com We have already started to action the addition of titles against reference numbers in documentation and communications although there may be occasions where some slip the net. We are also ensuring the MOD references are included to aid in reviewing the change history. For a constituency of small organisations, cost is often a important factor in deciding to progress changes. This includes where changes are proposed outside of the constituency group for split funding - we would appreciate if Xoserve could work with the organisation to make clear the funding arrangements when published for Solution Review. Anonymous feedback thus Xoserve were unable to contact customer to discuss. Please contact Alison Cross (alison.cross@xoserve.com) if you would like to discuss your feedback further. Xoserve will provide support for IGTs in respect of the DSC Framework. At the DSC Change Management Committee (ChMC) it is decided who should be funding a change based on the budget and charging methodology. This is reviewed again at the point the change is approved for delivery. IGTs have 2 votes at ChMC so have an opportunity to vote on changes that impact them as defined in the DSC arrangements IGTs have signed up to. The constituency is advised to work together to discuss these changes, including proposed funding, to ensure the vote is representative of all constituency views.
You said – We did You Said We Did The change process remains difficult to follow and we have little confidence in whether we have a full grasp on the overall changes through the DSC. The information provided is not clear to determine what action is required, what stage of governance a change is at or what is being requested from Shippers. The change log shows some improvement, however is still very much focussed on what information Xoserve needs to manage and track change and not its customers. We welcome the changes and streamlining of the change proposal forms. The hand off and consistency of information shared by JO and Xoserve must improve. Currently in order to monitor the change landscape shippers must access multiple platforms, pages, sheets and updates without any clear picture of the level of impact. Alison Cross (Xoserve) met with the customer who provided the feedback to discuss it in more detail. The feedback had been provided to ensure that Xoserve remained aware of the desire and need for improvements to the change process although they acknowledged some improvements have already been made. The new change proposal pages on the refreshed Xoserve.com, where all Change proposals will be stored going forward, along with a simplified change registered should assist in mitigating the issues currently being experienced. The customer also provided further feedback on the quantity and quality of email communications issued by Xoserve. This feedback has been passed to the relevant teams within Xoserve and we will work with customers to put a better process in place. Additional understanding of the wider implications and consequential change should be considered by Xoserve when providing change solutions. Anonymous feedback thus Xoserve were unable to contact customer to discuss. Please contact Alison Cross (alison.cross@xoserve.com) if you would like to discuss your feedback further. DSC Delivery Sub Group is the forum set up to discuss the impacts of changes - which include implications and consequential change. Xoserve also issue solution consultation and design Change Packs for each change during the change lifecycle which provide organisations the opportunity to review and submit their responses (representations) which will then be reviewed by the DSC Change Management committee in their decision making. In addition Xoserve now holds Customer awareness sessions for each Release which provide a high level overview of the changes due to be implemented - this is augmented by Release Circulars published on Xoserve.com