Canada Goes to War
Most people supported Canada’s involvement in the war (both French-Canadians and English-Canadians)
When Britain declared war on August 4th, 1914 Canada was automatically at war
Offer Britain a force of 25,000 men trained, equipped, and paid for by the Canadian government
Sam Hughes, Canada’s Minister of Militia (militia = part-time citizen soldiers trained for emergencies), set about recruiting men to fight for Canada
Over 1 week 10,000 people volunteered Over 1 week 10,000 people volunteered. Some of the reasons men signed up to fight in Europe are: Patriotism Excitement and Adventure (Free trip to Europe) Escape from the economic depression that Canada was facing at the time (men were paid $1/day)
Training took place in a camp set up in Valcartier, Québec NEXT the men were trained in Britain
1 in 10 men would not return home tomb of the unknown soldier, Ottawa