Personal Development How Self-Esteem Impacts on Learning Teacher Education in Sub Saharan Africa
Ways to explore who pupils are Key Focus Question: “How can you help pupils explore who they are in ways that are sensitive and stimulating?”
Class management Group work Thinking Respect Questioning Sensitivity Data gathering
Learning Objectives By the end of this section you will have: Developed your skills in organising the class in ways that will help pupils show respect for each other Developed your skills in asking questions to encourage thinking Used different ways to gather data to help pupils discuss who they are Know your customer, or K Y C is the term used in the customer identification and verification processes. It involves making reasonable efforts to determine true identity and beneficial ownership of accounts. It also involves establishing the source of funds and the nature of the customer’s business. This allows us to decide upon the reasonableness of operations in the account in relation to the customer’s business, current market conditions and so on. This in turn helps the bank to manage their risks prudently
Ways to explore who pupils are Helping them understand their similarities and differences Asking them to share opinions and feelings Giving them tasks where they can ask each other questions and listen to the answers
Ways to explore who pupils are They will: Learn how to share information and contribute to discussions Learn about themselves and each other Have better self-esteem as they realise their ideas are as valued as much as those of others
Ways to explore who pupils are
Case Study 1 – Chanda’s class
Did you think of some examples like these? Physically – “We all have skin” How we experience feelings – “We all feel happy” Our situation – “We are all at school” Our favourite food – “We all like nshima”
Activity 1 – An opinion survey Organise the survey How will you conduct it? (A piece of paper each, a show of hands, a quick chat with each as they leave the classroom ....) What questions will you ask? (Not too many, and remember we want their opinions not facts) Check the pupils have understood what to do
Case Study 2 – Mr Obeng’s class The bank must identify EVERY customer it opens an account for. However, the banks often use simplified identification for their low risk customers and enhanced identification for the high risk customers. It will also use simplified verification for its low risk customers and enhanced due diligence to verify the identity of its high risk customers.
Mr Obeng’s class 22 35 LIKES (HAPPY) DISLIKES (SAD) You will need to check you local requirements, but these are possible options:
Mr Obeng’s class ANGRY FRIGHTENED You will need to check you local requirements, but these are possible options:
Activity 2 – The “Do you like ...? survey How to conduct a class survey: Perhaps start by asking your class easy questions about what they like and dislike. (‘Do you all like hiplife?’ or ‘Do you like homework?’) In pairs, the pupils think of their own questions about what they like or dislike and record these
Activity 2 – The “Do you like ...? survey Draw the chart from Resource 3 on the board. Ask your pupils to copy it and choose three of their own questions. Explain that they will ask five pupils the questions and write down ‘Y’ or ‘N’ for the answer under their name. Ask the pairs to compare their answers. Ask some pupils to read out their questions and answers so that the whole class can hear the different responses. Discuss what they have found out in the survey. And likewise for high risk customers: