SCI 8b: Light Experiments How to write up your results
Fields 1-4: Name: fairly obvious what to do here Title: fill in the number and give a short title The question: word for word from the guidelines The procedure: use your own words and explain exactly what you did (this need not be step-by-step)
Science Experiment # 11 : Light and Colour The Question: How does light from different sources of different colours interact? The Procedure: We used three different light sources. One was blue, one was red, and one was green. We directed the light beams together and mixed the colours to see what the results would be. Findings: Mixing the colours meant new colours were created. We first mixed two colours at a time. Red and green together made yellow. Blue and green made light blue (cyan). Red and blue made purple (magenta). When we partially mixed all three we saw light blue, purple and yellow at the boundaries of two colours just like we saw mixing two colours alone. In the center where all three colours met, we saw white light. The page was bright but showed no different colours.
Fields 1-4: Name: fairly obvious what to do here Title: fill in the number and give a short title The question: word for word from the guidelines The procedure: use your own words and explain exactly what you did (this need not be step-by-step)
Fields 1-4: Name: fairly obvious what to do here Title: fill in the number and give a short title The question: word for word from the guidelines The procedure: use your own words and explain exactly what you did (this need not be step-by-step)
Fields 1-4: Name: fairly obvious what to do here Title: fill in the number and give a short title The question: word for word from the guidelines The procedure: use your own words and explain exactly what you did (this need not be step-by-step)
Fields 1-4: Name: fairly obvious what to do here Title: fill in the number and give a short title The question: word for word from the guidelines The procedure: use your own words and explain exactly what you did
fields 5 and 6: 5. Findings: Explain what you discovered during the experiment. Use science vocabulary in this answer. these terms are important to know. The instructions also say You need to include some definitions. 6. Problems: describe anything that posed a challenge or made the experiment difficult to complete.
Findings: Mixing the colours meant new colours were created Findings: Mixing the colours meant new colours were created. We first mixed two colours at a time. Red and green together made yellow. Blue and green made light blue (cyan). Red and blue made purple (magenta). When we partially mixed all three we saw light blue, purple and yellow at the boundaries of two colours just like we saw mixing two colours alone. In the center where all three colours met, we saw white light. The page was bright but showed no different colours. Problems: We had a hard time as a group agreeing on what colour it was we saw when mixing. None of us started our knowing that magenta or cyan were the names of colours. There really are a lot of different colours, and we had to research the names to label them properly.
fields 5 and 6: 5. Findings: Explain what you discovered during the experiment. Use science vocabulary in this answer. these terms are important to know. The instructions also say You need to include some definitions. 6. Problems: describe anything that posed a challenge or made the experiment difficult to complete.
fields 5 and 6: 5. Findings: Explain what you discovered during the experiment. Use science vocabulary in this answer. these terms are important to know. The instructions also say You need to include some definitions. 6. Problems: describe anything that posed a challenge or made the experiment difficult to complete.
fields 5 and 6: 5. Findings: Explain what you discovered during the experiment. Use science vocabulary in this answer. these terms are important to know. The instructions also say You need to include some definitions. 6. Problems: describe anything that posed a challenge or made the experiment difficult to complete.
fields 5 and 6: 5. Findings: Explain what you discovered during the experiment. Use science vocabulary in this answer. these terms are important to know. The instructions also say You need to include some definitions. 6. Problems: describe anything that posed a challenge or made the experiment difficult to complete.
fields 5 and 6: 5. Findings: Explain what you discovered during the experiment. Use science vocabulary in this answer. these terms are important to know. The instructions also say You need to include some definitions. 6. Problems: describe anything that posed a challenge or made the experiment difficult to complete.
fields 7 and 8: 7. New questions: your findings likely will not answer all the questions you have. Try to think of ‘what would happen if…” situations. These are questions for further experiments. 8. Our answer: answer the original question in full. 3-4 sentences and use new vocabulary.
New Questions: We wondered if you could create any colour you wanted depending on which lights you mixed together. If you blue was brighter, would that change the colour created? How do you make black light? Our Answer: When you shine lights of different colours together, they create new and different colours. The colours that you make depend on the colours you use to shine together. We think that using brighter lights in one colour (or more light sources with that colour) would change the new colour even more. All colours are created from white light and the colours we see from objects shows us which colours of light are reflected from that object.
fields 7 and 8: 7. New questions: your findings likely will not answer all the questions you have. Try to think of ‘what would happen if…” situations. These are questions for further experiments. 8. Our answer: answer the original question in full. 3-4 sentences and use new vocabulary.
fields 7 and 8: 7. New questions: your findings likely will not answer all the questions you have. Try to think of ‘what would happen if…” situations. These are questions for further experiments. 8. Our answer: answer the original question in full. 3-4 sentences and use new vocabulary.
fields 7 and 8: 7. New questions: your findings likely will not answer all the questions you have. Try to think of ‘what would happen if…” situations. These are questions for further experiments. 8. Our answer: answer the original question in full. 3-4 sentences and use new vocabulary.
field 9: 9. Diagram (s): put in anywhere from 1 to 4 diagrams. Be sure to explain what the diagrams show and label them.
For this diagram, the light sources and mixed light fields should be labelled. Using scientific vocabulary here might mean naming the colours ‘magenta’ and ‘cyan.’
For this diagram, the three light sources and mixed light field should be labelled. Again, name the colours using scientific vocabulary. Also you will note that the description includes some detail. Don’t leave the labeling on the diagrams so brief as to be confusing.
Online access to these items This exemplar and this PowerPoint are available in full online: School website > staff room > staff directory > website (beside my name) > Science 8 > handouts and Materials