Recent advances in the development of semiconductor Detectors for very high luminosity colliders Frank Hartmann on Behalf of CERN RD50 Collaboration Note: Measured partly under different conditions! Lines to guide the eye (no modeling)! Beware: No MCz nor Cz material displayed Beware: Signal shown and not S/N ! RD50 deals with defect and device understanding & engineering Irradiation with all particle types Suprise leakage current does probably NOT scale with thickness at very high fluences. More on the poster, e.g.: For fluences above ~ 1015 neq/cm² trapping becomes the dominant problem (depletion voltage remains important but less relevant) n-strip readout (n-in-n or n-in-p) looks very promising at least for outer layer, probably even for inner with higher voltage At high fluences p-material does not anneal with respect to CCE (maintenance periods easier to control?) It seems, that in MCz material charged particles introduces more donor and neutral more particle acceptor levels compensation 3D detectors are promising candidates for the very inner layers (enormous progress by several groups) Systematic studies of RD50 and WODEAN improves or understanding of microscopic defects to macroscopic device behaviour